
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Lord Didn't Let Us Down

So, my week was very long and stressful but slightly
successful and delightful really :) The water situation was okay this
week because fuel finally came to Bo so we were able to fill up some
gallons and get some for the generator to pump water, so that has been
super sweet this week. And, all the water is tish, but we put it in a
trashcan and then pump it through a filter with a bike pump and it
cleans it all up :) I took some pictures of it for you today haha

And my investigators are doing great. Foday is planning on being
baptized but he left for village so we don't know when he will return
:/ Jane has recoverd from Malaria but still was not well enough to
come and be confirmed on Sunday, but small small. Isatu, who was
beaten, is doing great and is nice and healthy at home again...
and yes, I got another planner:)

Wow, super stoked to get those measuring cups and what not because they
know absolutely nothing about that here :) esspecially because I just
tried baking for the first time last night. I was trying to bake (in
a pot) some thing called king driver, but you know me and my
healthiness I won't use butter or oil, so it didn't really work and it
turned into little pancake balls, but the elders loved them and asked
me to make more :) so who knows!

Ah, can't wait to hear about Rachel's mission call! that is so
exciting. congratulations to that girl :)

oh, SWEET, can't wait to see The Hobbit! and yes, my finn hat is
awfully brown now, but no problem, I still wear it ;) always wear it
to go play football on Mondays. it's a must!

So, Wednesday was AWESOME! I got the opportunity to join my long lost
buddy, Elder Burton on an exchange to his area in Lewabu. It was such
a great day havng studies with him and going and teaching just like
the good ole days. He is such a great missionary and I miss being his
companion so much. Teaching with him is so smooth and casual and I
love it, so we had a great day teaching only young women (his teaching
pool is really only women haha) and enjoying lunch together and boku
rice, just like the good ole days. Ah, miss my 2nd papi, good times,
really great day, to come home to find my companion was sick once
again and had thrown up 10+ times, poor guy - but fortuantely it was only food
poisoning so he was back on his feet the next day.

so, we have some pretty sweet investigators right now who I love SO

We got Durah, who came with his family to Sa lone from Ghana to stay
for one year and then leave but both of his parents died in a car
crash...and all his family is in Ghana and he has no money, so he
found a friend to stay with and is just tyring to figure out what to
do to get home, but he is such a great guy, he is like 18, he loves
the gospel, loves the church, wants to serve a mission, loves the plan
of salvation, loves the temple and wants to go someday and do the work
for his family, and he should be baptized next Saturday...I love the
boy :)

We got John Mgavou, who is awesome. we found him one night when we
were lacking success and nobody wanted to be taught, so we wandered
down a path we had never gone down before and we were just really
down...and I was joking and was like, wow, look at that guy, I bet he
really wants to hear what we have to say....turns out he did, and he
loves the gospel and has come to church every week and is doing
everything he can to get his family to come, although he doesn't have
money to get them clothes to come..he has been saving so he can. But,
we were confused about his marriage and believed it was incomplete so
he couldn't be baptized yet, so yesterday our branch president and 1st
counselor accompanied us to teach him a powerful lesson, and also
discern his marriage, which they found to be complete by legal
standards so now he can be baptzied! He was so excited that he ran and
climbed a tree and shook us down about 30 mangos...yeah, it was sweet
for more than one reason of course :)

My recent convert, Peter, who baptized our investigator last
week,  just got called to be Young Mens president yesterday :0 so I
am super stoked for him and he is excited as well. he is a little lost
but we are going to do our best to help him...he hasn't even been a
member 2 months haha! what a boss :)

oh, and another one we met the other day, Rosaline, I felt inclined to
get off bike early and we did, and took a different path to our
investigators house, so I didn't know why I felt like we should stop
there, so I was trying to follow the Holy Ghost and fortunately he
made it easy, and some people started hollering, ELDERS ELDERS, so we
went over and some former investigators were there and also a blind
girl who really wanted to go to church but had nobody to take her. so
we went yesterday morning and got to walk her over to the church which
was really sweet and I hope she enjoyed it :) we will try and go see
her tomorrow I hope and see how she liked church :)
So chickens are
always in our compound as well as dogs and cats and whatever animals
like to come and eat our trash and hangout, but this one chicken didn't
escape like the others and proceeded to run around the house, and
one elder picked up a rock and threw it and accidently hit it in the
head, so broke its skull....yeah, .so they left it on the
floor of the kitchen for 2 days while
it died, then took it to an investigators house to cook it for gosh doesn't make life easy haha

So, made those pancakes from the recipe with Elder Weller momma, and
they were awesome! of course I neglected to tell him the recipe called
for butter, but it turned out great...then I told him hahah  :) but,
they tasted sweet, so no problem! tankey tankey!

While wandering today I saw a bible I went and bought a
hardback krio bible, a timini bible, and also a mendes bible, so one
day you will all get to enjoy reading what I can hardly speak haha :)

A new fad that I am seeing...people riding around on roller
skates...not sure how long that will last since its basically all
dirt and crappy roads, so those are going to spoil quick...but,
whatever makes them happy :)

Well, another great week in Sierra Leone. We were able to teach A TON
of lessons this week and that made me really happy, especially since we
had some really hard days this week, with lots of praying and pleading
to the Lord to lead us, guide us, comfort us, and the Lord didn't let
us down...We are hopefully going to find some more success soon, since
things are moving a bit slow at the moment...but we are doing our
absolute best and thats all that matters. I know the Lord loves us and
we will be blessed more if we show gratitude for the rich blessings
the Lord already pours into our lives...kaingoma!

Elder Jesse Sumrak

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Little Late!

So great to be able to write to you, all the cafes closed
yesterday so now we are able to email today. Bo is going through a
shortage of internet, and no FUEL! and fuel runs
everything. No fuel has come, so bikemen are charging 3x as much, and
everything reallys costs more when gas prices go up here
hahaha...because everyone uses generators and tish to run their
stores, so no fuel equals boku money prices, which equals hungry
missionaries...but, whatever :)

Funny that you mentioned about living simply mother because Elder
Weller and I were just discussing that yesterday. We were talking
about how blessed we are to experience this now so that it times of
apocolaypse and what not we will not suffer. we know how to live with
limited food. we know how to live without gas. We know how to live
without water. We know how to live without electricity, so it's a
blessing and a curse. A little affliction though painful at present
will bless us one day :) Though, we really would just much rather have
all those blessings now and not suffer haha, but such is life!

WOW! that is so awesome to hear about Saidu :) He is going to have
such a great time. please give him my email address mother, I would
love to talk to him. he is such a great guy. just sent him a letter
today actually which has my old camera for him :) so he can enjoy that
on his mission experience. Atta boy!

Congratulations Ashley Cortez, but I must
say you deserve to have won :) but, still you are amazing, kushey!
Got an awesome
letter from kendall yesterday which had me super excited. love that
guy! Aw I miss the cortez family so much too...lots of good memories
with them, just like my 2nd family...can't wait to see them again and
I pray they are all doing well!

For some reason I have a strange longing for pig feast haha, maybe I
will get to enjoy it again one day and be one of the alumni there and
get me some good ol barbeque and enjoy them good ol country tunes...oh
boy, why can I actually see that? I'm scared haha

Wow, do I miss the temple, so I hope you all enjoyed very much. All of
us missionaries miss it so much. We have all really come to understand
more the blessings of the temple, and the sweet peaceful presence of
the spirit that the temple offers those seeking refuge from the
ongoing battle of the world. I am starting more and more to understand
the covenants I have made and as I do my longing to return to the
temple of the first places I want to go when I return home

haha, oh rain, we have gotten very small this week...until last night,
when I woke up at 12:00 to torrential rain and winds and rain flying
through the window  and splashing me in my bed, I ran quickly outside
to find Elder Penia and Elder Hovley scrambling to try and save the
clothes that were flying around haha so I aided them and we all
got soaking wet and then returned to bed...woke in the morning to find
half of my clothes covered in mud, so yay, I get to redo those
tonight :/ but, no bad, the Lord has a purpose for everything so I
will cheerfully endure haha :) but, left the windows open, the wet
rain was much better than wet sweat, so I will take the switch haha

But, so great to hear about all the missionaries, I am so proud of
rachel and tori and nick and clayton, we are going to have such an
amazing force of missionaries, and its sad to think that the family
will never be fully reunited again, but its a blessing to know our
separation is for such a great cause, we will continue to go out to
all the corners of the world. Congratulations cousins, don't give up.
Just talked today in district meeting about the blessings that will
come, the ones we don't see, and the trials we must suffer to achieve
them...but, rest assured the promise will be fulfilled and we will
receive the await blessings. Scriptures of encouragement off the top
of my head that I hope are semi accurate. Romans 8:18, DC 58:4, DC
121:12-17, hope those are right :)

Well, this week, uh yesterday I lost my planner which was pretty sad
and I almost cried because some much memories and important tish is in
there, but I sucked it up...bought an apple, and went on my way. makes
the work a little difficult without my phone numbers and everything I
need, but, the Lord has a purpose for everything so no problem!

Another week of mangos and pineapples has passed away haha, all the
Elders in the apartments diets look like this for dinner....mangos,
pineapples, top ramen, well all of those except the ramen for me :)
hahaha not for me! but, we eat like 4 mangos each a night and all
enjoy giant pinapples everynight, ah, so good!:) we enjoy haha

Well, on Saturday we had a sweet baptismal service for Moses Semoi and
Jane Harding and then New Barracks had one small girl  being
baptized. well, we showed up to the font to find it very shallow...we
had had water trucked in during the week, but now we have discovered a
leak in the font, the reason for so much water leaking. but, before
the baptism it began to rain, so maybe it filled it up small ;) but
the baptisms went great, although we were forced to do sitting ones
again, but it was super spiritual and sweet and all bore powerful
testimonies and it was beautiful. Jane is very sick now though, and we
have been visitng her everyday in the hospital...Malaria, poor girl,
please keep her in your prayers!

On Tuesday we got all 10 of us to pile into a minivan and make the
hour trip to Kenema, which was super sweet. The zone meeting was great
and it was awesome to see Elder Hales and again and Elder Ngerem as
well,and even my grandpa Elder Barth, who only has 6 weeks left :(
going to miss that guy so much! BUT, something everyone should check
out is THESE ELDER HOLLAND SIERRA LEONE VIDEOS on youtube! they are so
sweet, he is talking about Sa Lone and you can see lots of my orginial
proselyting area, my bishop and stake president, and lots of sweet
things, so go check out those videos, I don't know if there on
youtube, but they are church videos and are super inspiring and sweet
:) after the meeting we all went to a little dive, YUM YUMS and had
these giant sandwiches there, which were so delicious...but, ended up
killing off half the apartment. My companion spent the whole night
throwing up :/ poor guy, and then half our proselyting day were cut,
other elders were suffering similiarly and throughout the week,
fortuantely I just enjoyed a yummy sandwich :)

We all have a super craving for spicy hot things though now, because
nothing challenges us anymore, and I honestly believe I am ready for
the hot wing challenge at BWW. Because, we just buy the hottest stuff
we can find in the stores now and literally drink the bottles, its so
funny. I can cham pepay now and only cry a little bit ;) haha, we will
see how this heat keeps up with american heat...maybe they are

Also, Tuesday night one of our converts, was beat
bad...Elder Stanford was walking through his area and found a man
hitting her, the elders got him off her and she was just a little
bruised on the face, so the locals took the man to the police, nothing
happened of course, but in the stress of it all, she passed out..and
didn't wake up for a day...but, we elders went to the hosptial and
gave her a blessing and she was back home the next day :) I love the
power of the priesthood and I know and love how real it is and the
great blessings it gives us. She was pregnant, so thats why we were
doubly concerned, but all is well and she is okay :)

We had a great week with our investigator Foday this week! we have
been teaching him very much and he hasn't been coming to church, but
reads and understand the Book of Mormon perfectly. he can quote verses
from chapters and everything to us, but just wouldn't come to church
and wanted to be baptized. we eventually found that he had no shoes to
wear...and upon discovering this, urged him to ask his boss, who is a
member, who graciously gave him a pair of shoes :) He then came to
church and was AWESOME! every situation or topic that  came up, he
contributed in class by quoting experiences of Nephi and it was so
sweet, he is going to be interviewed next Sunday so I am super excited
for him. The Book of Mormon is so sweet!:) I love it! and speaking of
which, got to go on exchange with Elder Stanford to my old area this
week and visit recent convert Thomas Cooper, and the boy is on 2
nephi 27! I was so happy for him :)

Well, my friends and family, my time is short. time to go and teach
the gospel to some amazing people and bring them everlasting happiness
:) I love this work and I love you all so very much. please be safe
and enjoy the end of the school year!farewell!

Elder Sumrak

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Pictures!

Elder Sumrak and his companion Elder Flament

Monday, April 8, 2013

Pineapples, Mangoes and Running

Hello my mother and my dear friends and family. Oh, mother, you never
know! Elder Barth received a box in November with the title on the
front (CHRISTMAS BOX)...from the previous Christmas 11 months before
haha, so never lose hope :) But, I am glad that you enjoyed the
picture. I am not sure which one it is, but Sister Roggia knows and
loves you mother so she always tries to get pictures of me when I'm
there just to get you a smile. she is so sweet :)

As for my personal study mother, I usually gym until 7:10 and then hit
the shower and get dressed by 7:40, so I like to begin my studies
early and study Jesus The Christ until about 8:10...then, I dive into
the 12 week fundamentals and Preach my Gospel until about 8:30 or
8:40, then use the remaining time to read the Book of Mormon. I am
about to finish it for my 2nd time on mission, so that is sweet :) I
am also about 400 pages into Jesus The Christ, which is the last of
the 4 books I have yet to read, so I am learning SO much from that.

At night when we go on the roof, you can see TONS of stars. More than
I have ever seen really. but, depends on the night and the time. If
the people are out and about, the generators are on and lights are on,
its just like America...not plenty stars, but some nights there are so
many...but, honestly my absolute favorite is secluded sections of the
beach in Corolla...that is the most beautiful I have seen in my life.

Ah, so jealous to hear about your fun trip down to the beach. I'm going
to be honest, often times when I think of home I think about either
our house, or the beach. Which is funny since I spend very little time
at the beach during the year. But, I never really think of BYU as
home...just our nice cozy home and some nice random beach
cottages...I'll buy one one day ;) if I'm uber lucky!

I have been ENJOYING pineapple every other night of the week. We
bought a ton and just stored them so every other night me and Elder
Flament cut up a big pineapple and split it. GOSH, do our mouths hurt
when we are finished. they are so sore and our teeth hurt and our lips
are in so much pain we can't open our mouths but it's just so delicious
that we can't resist haha. and its MANGO SEASON IN BO, yes that is
right, the mangoes are ripe in Bo, and now I'm back to eating 2-3 a day,
which just makes everything amazing. Got a good rain this week as

But this week...., Well, on Tuesday we came to our area and I had
bought ginger, limes, and sugar and filled up 4 bottles of purified
water, 6 liters, and took them to an awesome woman named Grace, who
made all the ginger beer for us :) it was so awesome and so delicious,
but unfortunately I was forced to drink them QUICKLY before they
spoiled/fermented hahaha. no power at the apartment so you can't
freeze it so had to drink it that night and the next one before it
starts getting stinky...oh dry season...

Had another sweet lesson at the stadium with M  this
week. We were teaching him and a bunch of other young guys about the
word of wisdom and I asked if he had any problems with any of these or
anything and he said no, and immediately like a tish load of guys
burst out of their little shack rooms and came into the mess hall and
just stood around him shouting at him saying things along the line of
"You go lie to de white man dem? Dey no de com for hear you lie, dey
dey come for help you. Stop for lie! Stop for lie!" ah it was great
haha so he confessed and told us that it didn't matter if he did
before...because now hearing it was bad he was never going to do it
again, to which I whole heartedly agreed with him and assured him we're
not here to judge, we're here to help, and the past is not whats
important, it's the change :)

Took another journey into the bush this week to check out our backup
location for the baptism on Saturday....wasn't wholly confident in the
water truck coming, so decided to go out with the branch president to
go check the river and we found a nice clean spot...much to our
fortune considering my expectations were correct, and water was not
delivered on Saturday morning. I was very upset also to get a phone
call Thursday night that our beloved baptismal candidate Jane
would not be able to attend because she had to leave for an emergency to
Freetown...but, it's okay, She will be baptized this coming Saturday :)
and Sallay  was still able to be baptized, which was an awesome
experience. She is the
most genuine girl in the world. She doesn't understand things well,
But I believe she understands her relationship with God better then
anyone I have met here. It took forever to teach her and get her to
pray, but ever since she has prayed the most beautiful heartfelt
prayers that I have heard my entire mission. Prayers that matter,
prayers that show her faith, prayers that are simply beautiful and
personal. She doesn't use big words or elegant speech, but she prays
as if she was sitting and talking with God about her life...and that is
perfect to me :)

So, teaching one great guy Friday and he wanted the message to be
shared to all his friends...who speak only mendeh, so we had a super
long lesson with him, in which we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ,
while he translated everything we said to his Muslim mendeh friends,
who smiled and nodded their heads and looked to really be enjoying the
lesson, so we will see what comes of that blessing :)

Randomly on Saturday we were walking through a new part of our area
taking a shortcut, and a bunch of kids were standing afar at a house
and were yelling at me "come" "Pumwee, come" and I was like "I no dey
come, una come" and this went back and forth for a minute until they
started approaching us, and for some reason Elder Flament and I both
turned and started running as fast as we could through the village
away from them haha, so you see two funny looking white men running
through the village with 10+ kids screaming running after them yelling
untranslatable mendeh phrases hahaha eventually we outran them, but I
decided to go back and greet all of them :) great bunch of little guys
and girls. Maybe I'll see them again one day haha

Yesterday was complete craziness at the church. We had a combined
service between Messima branch and New barracks branch in which the
district presidency and also President and Sister Roggia were present
for the splitting and sustaining of the new branch boundaries. The
previous boundaries were not convenient to the people and often had
people living close to the chapel walking miles to the other chapel
because of their defined areas, but this meeting was designed to fix
that, so...its back to 2 missionaries in Messima, and now 4
missionaries are in New Barracks...I am remaining in the Messima branch
:) Presient Roggia gave  an amazing testimony towards revelation and
also making the church a safe heaven for the "sheep of the fold" and
keeping out the "ravenous wolves" who prey upon the sheep. It was
super inspiring and I hope everyone could feel the sweet spirit that
comes from that man and his love. We then ushered everyone into the
courtyard after sacrament and tried to organize everyone into their
branch so we could take new branch pictures, but people were stubborn
and wanted to stay in their old branches or with their friends and
what small small we will get it sorted...but, due to the new
boundaries...I lost Sonaldo, our branch mission leader, and also the
Gweyne family, who I have FHE with quite often, so I'm rather sad about
that :(

But, had a great interview with President Roggia after all that, and
he motivated and inspired me like always...

well computers have turned off twice and I keep losing all my
information, but yeah its pretty sweet. played football today, that
was sweet and I had written a lot of other stuff...but i can't
remember... so i guess its not too important!

but, I love you all :) hope you have a great week! farewell!
Elder Jesse Sumrak

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Sister Roggia was kind to send this picture taken in Bo on March 31, 2013

So sorry I couldn't get on yesterday. National Holiday in Sa
Lone so everything closed down, but fortunately they let us all come
today small to go and email. I received the box this week! Ah, it was
so sweet. I love the hat and the shoes and the oh so much oatmeal. you
should see the smile on my face when I sit down and enjoy that
actually flavorful and tasty oatmeal :) ah....look forward to it every
morning. thank you so very much my dear mother! the box was amazing,
protein, gum and oatmeal, pretty much all the your son could ever ask
for! thank you lots...the africans don't understand the hat but, i
love it haha, pictures to hopefully come one day!

Well, new missionaries already came at the beginning of the transfer,
have one from Zimbabwe in the apartment, Elder Mukwaira, and yes I
redrew the boundaries or whatever, but they are re drawing for our
branch and New Barracks branch on sunday, and President Roggia is
coming to have the vote sustained in a combined branch meeting. so that
should be interesting. and then, I and Messima 2 will probably have to
redraw our lines again to make sure it fits fairly :) super busy!

and the football game was awesome. the goal post wasn't completely
broken, so no problem...but so excited to hear that grandma and grandad
are setting up the new field.. Here comes the next generation of
football players! so glad that they are encouraging this sport in the
family ;) sorry other sport fanatics, soccer is winning this family!

But, speaking of which...went to New Barracks field yesterday to play
a football match and we had a great time...until one of the africans
on the other team fired wide and hit a drunk policeman in the leg, to
which he threatened to slash the ball, and when Elder Weller
approached, accused him of "rushing" then, the cops went and tore down
the goal, and went down to the other end of the field and tore down
the sa lone cops for the win, so we set up a new
field playing the different direction and continued our game...kill

Wow! so great to hear Travis came to church :) greet him for me mother
if you would. and wow those missionaries are doing amazing,
congratulations to them, hope they keep up the hard work. and this
week was SHORT, it just flew by like nothing! and yes, as district
leader I go on exchanges every week, but due to the size of the
district I am going to have to start doing 2 a week...which is really
going to affect my area...but, its what I got to do so I got to do it.
no problems! I love getting to work with the other missionaries
though. I love them all so very much and I pretty much have the
sweetest apartment in the entire mission. I love it! I even get to go
on an exchange with my MTC Elder Weller on Friday, so stoked!

Our Easter Program was a huge success! we started off the program with
the whole of zone baptisms. which was around 20 I think, which was
sweet. And one young lady from my past area, but still in my branch,
asked me to baptize her, so that was awesome. I began her and 2 others
teachings so it was really sweet to be a part of their baptism,
interivew, and witness their confirmation as well, even though they
aren't "Mine" anymore haha I love them all so much and it was such a
great baptism! after the baptism we had the program which included
recent convert testimonies, weird bible video clips about Jesus Christ
that I have never seen before and are really rather strange to me, but
nice, and singing. The missionarys all sang together hymn "behold the
great redeemer die" and then I have been practicing with 9 other
missionaries to do a special number "where can i turn for peace" which
went so beautifully. I am not an amazing singer, as you all know, but
I really wanted to participate, and the Lord actually blessed my voice
and I didn't sound bad haha :) and I learned how to read music a
little bit more and very many blessings came from it. super nice! had
about a hundred and fifty people there, and about 5-6 investigators
from our area alone!

English, bah, nobody understand  REAL english. you can speak dumb or
simple english and they might get the jist of what your saying, just
like I can understand Mendeh just by the way people yell and move
their hands haha. but, no...they don't all understand english very
well at all. The return missionaries and really the branch presidency
do, because they are encouraged and recommeneded to do EVERYTHING in

Well on to the week:

We got a new phone this week, thank goodness, even though this one is
tish as well. the apartment is dying haha, the generator has finally
died and we haven't had power all week, and that means we can't pump
water. so, we go out to bucket it, and the well is almost dry, so the
water is FILTHY! I took some out yesterday to bath and there were
centipedes and tish crawling around inside...but, just pour in lots of
bleach and say your prayers :) hahaha oh life. also, no power means
all of our phones are dead...yay! so, I am having it charged in the
internet cafe right now.

Got to go and do some late night interviews in Lewabu this week, which
is even bushier then our area! gosh, didn't finish till around 8:30
and it was pitch black outside, but, good thing the zone leaders knew
where they were going so we could find our way back to the road haha
or I would have been lost in the bush for eternity!

Had an amazing free meal the other day with our investigator Grace. She made
us ebay, which is like a gravy soup sort of, with cassava, potatoes,
yams, pepay, plantanes, bananas, fish, chicken, beef, and oh gosh it
was so good, but makes you feel incredibly heavy! but, so good!

Then, we had restoration day on Thursday! went to the bank and then we
all went to Sabs to go enjoy giant hamburgers and tons of unhealthy
food. so good and we enjoyed so much. the restaurant is so legit and
though the food is expensive as mess, we all had a great time and
filled our bellies far past max capacity while a movie played on the
tv and we forced ourselves to focus on our food as WWE was changed to
the movie Forever Strong, and missinoaries got trunky seeing Utah
mountains in the background hahaha :)

Had an amazing experience this week as my district instruction invited
everyone to focus on our investigators making and keeping commitments,
and we went out and did our best to apply it, and Saturday morning I
saw it...and it moved me so strongly, one of the strongest moments of
joy on my mission. Little success in this area...but upon passing one
investigators house Saturday morning, I found him on his front patio,
inside 1 Ne 3, reading and understanding :) then, going to the next
house, I found our next investigator, sitting outside on a beautiful
Saturday when he could be doing ANYTHING, and he is sitting in the
front yard, reading the Plan of Salvation least I know I am
making a difference in some people's lives. I love the gospel. it
truly changes people and improves their lives. these people are so
happy with the truth they have discovered...and my joy is full in
witnessing their conversions!

Almost got into a bike crash on Saturday on the way to the Easter
program. flying down the road on bike and some less than intelligent
man crosses the road with long 10 feet long metal pipes on his head.
my bikeman slammed on breaks and swerved out of the way, we both
ducked and managed to miss it, but the next bikeman ran straight into
it, his head whiplashing (fortunately wearing a in 10)
and his passenger received a blow to the head...but nobody fell off
their bikes, and nobody all is well in Bo :)

Elder Weller and I were super hungry Sunday night and had no food to, we attempted to make pancakes without a recipe or anything
haha. that meant...Flour, baking powder, sugar, yeah, we
had no eggs, so we tried to make it and it turned out looking nice
with lil flavor except cinnamon haha, but SYRUP to the rescue, it was
enjoyable :) we are pretty good chefs..we know. we are gonig to
continue to try, but mother, if you could assist me in some for pancakes, crepes, or anything else simple and easy
to make that doesn't require a refrigerator. I would love that! thank

Well, that is really all for this week. tons of fun and adventures and
conversions and spiritual experiences are awaiting just beyond the
street bend...or dirt path bend. I look once more just around the
corner bend, don't know what for, maybe to teach somebody, don't know
what for, maybe to save somebody's soul, just around the mud hut bend,
just around the coconut grove bend! yeah...Pocohontas...forgive me,
I'm hungry! farewell my family and friends, I love you!

Elder Jesse Sumrak