We did have baptisms! A pregnant young lady, who is very shy, and O, 12. They are the adopted children of P. and his giant recent convert family, so we are trying hard to manage them and keep them all coming and fellowshipped though we are working hard to get leaders into the ward so we can split it by May...lets see how that goes. We do have 1 more this Saturday as well, so I'm glad we finally got this area going after they washed it clean the week before I arrived haha, but small small we are trying our best :)
Last Tuesday we went early over to Waterloo zone about an hour away and got to join and give instruction in their zone meeting, which was a lot of fun, especially since I got to see my pikin, Elder Rogers, and even Elder Flament, so I really enjoyed that! It was my first time giving instruction to a zone, but the Spirit was certainly there and I really enjoyed it and strangely wasn't too nervous, so I really enjoyed it. We are going to Goderich District meeting tomorrow to observe and then the 4 hour drive to Makeni Wednesday to instruct our sweet beloved sisters.
We had an old missionary return back to us this week from Nigeria. He came back and it was just funny how I observed him now! It's funny...I wrote in my journal about it, about wow, this is such a sweet dedicated member of the church and I'm really proud of him and all his work, funny how I didn't see him the same when he was a missionary...we just have different standards here and ways of living. It just made me laugh that as missionaries we are SO hard on ourselves, it is crazy. We do have a higher standard here, and i was joking with Elder Weller the other day, it's like man...I feel bad today, I woke up at 6:32...or man, I didn't get to studies until 8:05...or ah gosh, I forgot to shave today! and we feel like these wicked terrible people who aren't even worthy to take the sacrament haha...mother, your sentence to me wrapped it up last week, what do mormons do best? feel guilty. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I'm so happy I don't have to be perfect...I just have to try my very best and when I fall down, or miss my alarm, or forget to shave, I can repent and do better tomorrow...but, I can be slightly prideful and say I haven't forgotten to shave and I am usually up at 5:45...yeah, I'm a boss.
We had a great time finding some new individuals and praying hard to find people and receiving revelation on where to find them, and it's so miraculous to go out and try your hardest every day and see no success...none...wasted time...and kneel down and say a prayer and do it the next day and see success...see investigators, see people wanting to come unto Christ. I love it so much. I was contemplating the other day about baptism and was thinking " why do we need someone to do baptism for us" faith is personal, repentance is personal, enduring to the end is personal, what is with these not personal ordinances? Well, you can't be saved on your own. You can't do it on your own. You can't baptize yourself. you can't come up out of the water by yourself...You need Christ, and it doesn't matter how good you are. I love that so much, we always need Him and he is always there. Always...its a true principle I have seen in everything, call me silly but I pray before I play football,and when I do, I play well (not win, but personally play well) when I don't I don't. Not going to go too deep into it, but if I want to go play, its me going to go play, when I pray to be safe and play and well and have fun, I join the Team and God is on my side :)
Thursday we got to orientate a young woman from Bo and send her out on her mission to Nigeria, which was fun to just go through the white handbook and answer some of her questions and just see how pumped she was to go on mission. Also had some guys return from mission this week to our ward, so we are trying hard to get them pumped up to go out and work with us and give us some referrals and help keep them converted and going strong!
We had a office coordination meeting with all the couples and president and his wife and we got some things decided and our vision established and its awesome. We are working hard to build real growth in the members and also in our missionaries and I love minstering to missionaries and investigators alike, and I love the relationships I have been able to establish on mission, yes with my converts, but even through my missionaries. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I am helping them endure to the end as much as converts (and they honestly do the same for me as well, I love them all).
Today we went over to Goderich to attend their super p day they invited us to, so we got to go to the beach and play football on the beach, then went for a run on the beach and then we went back to a members house after walking about 2-3 miles and then enjoyed TONS of rice, chicken, and salad and watched Madagascar 2 haha. I talked to Elder Evans most of the time about working out and gyming and what not and we had a great time, I really love that missionary. He is from Hawaii and then I forget where, but he is a big Polynesian guy who is just a ton of fun. Hope I can chill with him after mission!
Besides that, everything really is going sweet right now. we have some great investigators and some sweet people we are teaching. Taught one educated man this week and we stumped him pretty good, and I'm excited to go back and see what's been on his mind, but we were running short on time and had to run back and do follow ups. He asked about the Book of Mormon and asked, well why is your church different and why do you use the Book of Mormon, which makes you different while all the other churches only use the bible?....to my response ----why are all the other churches different if they're all using the same bible...naturally we would be different and have a good excuse if we are using the Book of Mormon as well :) hahaha I really love teaching people who ask good questions though , honestly, I love difficult people much more than accepting people. I don't like, yes, whatever you say must be true you're a man of God! I want to hear, WHY! HOW! WHO said! or, how can I know what your saying is true! to which I can respond pray pray pray! instead of, "will you pray to know if this is true"....why do I need to pray I already believe everything you are telling me? To my respoonse --- STOP believing me and ask God, PLEASE! haha Oh, Sa Lone mission...I love you! everyone have an amazing week, I love you all so much :)
Elder Sumrak
FOUND PACKAGED OATMEAL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO got me banana/peaches/and strawberries and cream, kinda expensive but oh I am going to enjoy!:)