
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 Miracles

Hello Hello! Sorry for my delay and writing this on Tuesday, we had independence day weekend here, and if holidays fall on a weekend here, they immediately extend to that Monday...not sure if the rest of the world does that, maybe, but its pretty interesting. So, yesterday, instead, we went to a district meeting by my boy Elder Rogers and he did incredible. His instruction was the exact instruction we have been giving around the mission so it was fun to see me and my pikin were receiving the same revelation to share with the missionares. After that, we made our way home the back way through Grafton again and boy did things get crazy in Hill Station. At first, just a couple of drunks dressed up in the road in halloween outfits, like zombies and spiderman, which was kinda entertaining...then as the taxi progressed the entire road was blocked off by hundreds of drunk/high crazy people just going nuts and so many devils were out going crazy and it honestly changed from that's kinda funny, wow this is annoying, to this is sick and gross, to I believe this city needs to be purged! we were pretty freaked out and depressed by what we witnessed and were sick in our hearts for the rest of the day at the iniquity we saw in even drunk 12 year olds and just it hurts my heart to even think about it...things got worse as our caravan of taxis slowly made its way down the hill, as we approached our drop off point and realized that there were 3 devils in the vicinity and a drunk man with a hunting rifle and a beer in the other hand leading what looked to be a, we payed extra and went to the next junction to grab another longer but different taxi route. arrived at our last location and the street was just crazy with more drunks and partiers, so we made our way down to some back streets and some football fields and got to the mission office and was able to get a notice out to all missionaries to return that is the fun and excitement of Sierra Leone independence day, way too much alcohol....oh wicked and perverse nation that we love so very much, defininitely increases my zeal and "oh that I were an angel" as I go out declaring repentance to my beautiful people of Sa Lone...Settled in yesterday and took care of lots of office work, then even had time to play monopoly with the district again...I must brag in that I completely annihalated everyone with Boardwalk and must brag further by saying I am on a 4 year unbeaten streak continuing all the way back to when I destroyed Thomas / Laura/ and Nate back when I was visiting BYU for the first time...btw, I am dumb and remember THESE sorta things, forgive me of my pride, I love you all :)

Today we had our pday and spent hours in the bank waiting for money and then got some hamburgers, bought a sweet africana shirt, then made our way on yay!

As for the rest of the week, last Tuesday we went and visited Kissy for a zone meeting and it was great to see my old buddies, Nwosu...Penia, Mongalo, Rogers and honestly too many others to name them all. The meeting went well.   We came on home and took care of some work and even got out to see our wonderful family man A. before taking transport to arrive at Lumley by 9:00....oh, it was hard finding the apartment off in the wasteland in the dark, but we found it and settled in nicely with the great missionaries there. Elder Bogh and Richardson and Hartling and the 2 tongans. They all prepared a WONDERFUL meal for us all and we sat down to dinner with smoothies and pasta and just a delicious dinner, sweet time with those guys, then spent a wonderufl day on exchange in the Goderich area with the man Elder Bogh. Honestly, one of the most intelligent people I have ever met and just a great missionary who proseltyes and does his finding with a temple magazine, which he uses so artfully and magnificently. Great exchange, then got home late that night.

Thursday, up early and out the door to go to Jui and then Hastings to go and meet the elders there to aid them in their weekly planning. They are very young  but we were able to help them out considerably, but it went for so long, but we eventually made our way home and then had to take care of lots of office work and our own weekly planning and made it out to go see a person real quick.

Friday, we had our last sisters training meeting over in Congo Cross and it went really well, though it was super hot and everyone was dying. We had a great meeting with them and then were able to come home and spend a bit of time out proselyting, which was really nice.

Saturday, we had a FULL day out proselyting and were so excited that we just rushed out the door and got to work. We found a super sweet guy during our contacting in a new area we had never been and we were just on fire having a great time and just really feeling the spirit. Taught, M., a young father of 3, and then got bounced around considerably by our family appointments and pretty much only the wives and children were home for all the appointments...except for our beloved man A., who we had a great lesson with on the Book of Mormon, and then we had our 1st FM (free meal) as a companionship for an enjoyable and hot Fry stew on rice from sister Loyce.

Sunday...we felt inspired to fast on Sunday for some wonderful families who promised to come to church, and we just wanted it so bad and we just wanted some miracles to happen in these people's lives..and boy did it happen. The Lord poured out so many wonderful blessings to us on Sunday that we were just drowning in smiles and laughter and just an amazing day that we know the Lord gave us in his infinite mercy! First, we went down the street and down in to the valley to where a crippled man lives who we were teaching a while ago. His foot is broken and he has no medical help, so its pretty much permanently broken...but, he has never come to church before...but felt a prompting that he should and prayed that the Lord would help, we showed up in the morning and pretty much said, we are here to help you go to church, so he hollered at his boys, grabbed his walking stick and we got him up the cliff, up the stairs, and into the wasn't until we visited his family that evening that he confessed to us that THAT was the first time he had crossed the road in over a year an a half...what a miracle! He could hardly even walk, but had the faith to go to church and testified to everyone in the compound that the church was true and he was going to be baptized (the muslims weren't much happy about that)  Good times! That was miracle 1! Miracle 2, we were pretty disappointed when HE was the only investigator in sacrament though after our hard work that whole week, but half way through sacrament our family S, with his wife, and 2 young girls in his arms. WHAT! The whole room watched and stared at them and our ward mission leader rushed over across the room to us and was like IS THAT your family? and we were like yes! Brother S. is a big man in the community and well respected by everyone, his children (ages 3 and 5) speak better English then our bishopric can! It was so awesome for him to finally come after we have been teaching him for such a long while now, and immediately the members all understood and helped in miracle 3. they all just swarmed this family with love. the intermediate hymn starts and immediately 3 members are surrounding them with books helping them sing. as soon as sacrament ends the entire bishopric and even President Charles from the stake went and introduced themselves and then President Charles went to elders quorum with S. and Sister Charles stayed with the wife and the kids the whole day, it was amazing...oh yeah, not to mention that area authorities were there...2nd quorum of the 70 Elder Vinson was there and even got to talk to Elder Koranteng of the area authorities as well. so sweet! Elder Vinson gave an amazing talk that really hit S., so we were super excited!

Went and got to visit A. and his family and his wife is warming up to us, or now is! because she cooked us cassave leaf and we had prayed and fasted and told the Lord that we would fast until evening or unless a miracle happened and one of our families cooked for us, and she did! so that was another miracle that opened her heart to us :)

Then, on to S. T.and his family and we got to sit down with him and boy he just loved church and his wife wants to come back next Sunday and it was just awesome but he had a whole sheet of concerns that we were able to address all through the spirit and scriptures and it was honestly one of my favorite most powerful lessons of my whole mission. Answering concerns from offerings, collection, praise and worship, dancing, fasting, prayers, miracles, speaking in tongues, unpaid clergy, boy it was a bunch of questions, but we answered EVERYTHING through the Book of Mormon and he is really growing in his testimony of it :) finished the day nicely and came on home to prepare for the next day of fun and ceaseless miracles, the Lord truly blessed us and we are trying to be grateful for every blessing big and small!

by the way, Christiana Samba just emailed me, this is her email address
I encourage anyone and everyone to write her, even if something is small. She is a convert to the church and has NO family or anyone supporting her while she is gone so I am sure she would love and appreciate even the slightest bit of attention or time you could offer...thank you!:)

Well...yeah, that is the work right now, we are enjoying and working hard and loving mission. life is great! we love mission! love you all!:)

Elder Sumrak

Monday, April 21, 2014


Hello family and Friends! Oh, my Easter started out depressing...I was struggling so hard to just focus and try to feel the spirit but was really down after a busy busy week that we had worked our butts off to fit in every second we could to go proselyte to only have 1 investigator in sacrament meeting, a wonderful young 21 year old guy who is just changing from Islam and its fun to watch the transformation, but we had taught so many people and so many people had promised to come that the service was just really rough for us to concentrate...but, after I was on the phone with some missionaries, when we realized one of our wonderful families was coming out of the other ward's sacrament meeting!:) The giant ripped father wearing a white shirt and carrying his small daughter in her little white dress and his step daughter at his side, I almost cried with excitement :) we got him with the other missionaries to take care of him for the rest of the day and then hugged my companion in sweet relief and excitement...our hard work this week had not been in vain...we had found a family...a man I had been prompted to engage for a long time now and we finally did it and he is truly prepared to receive the gospel, and I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for that tender mercy...It made the whole rest of Easter Sunday sweet as we testified to everyone about the Atonement and literal resurrection of our Living savior, Jesus Christ and it was a wonderful note to end the week on! Even if we were doing follow ups in the office until 10:28 at night haha... 

But...on to my week. Tuesday we caught some transport over to Wellington to go and attend Elder Mongalo's wonderful district meeting and he truly enlightened us and it was very edifying. He talked about our special message to the world, the restoration of the GOSPEL and not the restoration of the CHURCH, and he focused on how the gospel was the more important part of the messsage, and how we can sometimes fall into the routine of focusing too much on how the church was restored instead of the fullness of the everlasting gospel. so it was a good refesher and we saw plenty of spiritual miracles as we went out and fully applied it in our teaching throughout the week. Very sweet meeting and getting transport home didn't prove TOO difficult this time around. Wednesday was supposed to be a full day of proselyting but due to project after project and little disturbances we only got in around a couple hours in the end...but, we did our best with what we had. Thursday was another downer day as we went over to Mt. Aureol to go observe and aid in their weekly planning sessions but were forced to retreat to the office for an emergency missionary departing that day and had crazy day plugging in CDEs and doing weekly planning for ourselves and then no time to even go out, just straight to follow ups, so of course the Lord in his mercy blessed us with a magnificent Friday. 

Friday we got up early and caught Poda Poda around the back way of Grafton and made it to our sister training meeting 45 minutes early due to the easiness of the traffic that way, which was a mighty blessing. Elder Weller and Mosenthal joined us to instruct our wonderful sister trainer leaders and missionaries and it was a really superb meeting and we all left edified and wanting to do better and do more, so that was sweet! Then, we rushed home, enjoying wonderful Clif bars courtesy of mother dearst and went straight out to the field and got to see some wonderful people and had a very uplifiting day of teaching ALL families. Just mother and father and children at almost every appointment, so that was super sweet! came home, follow ups with sisters,  but we enjoy it all as much as we can... 

Saturday...not so sweet, we went over to the sisters apartment in congo cross in the morning to replace their lightbulbs...again, and then rushed into airtel in town to get all of our missionaries numbers registered and the process is so stupid and long that they have to manually put in each number and take my picture and get my thumb print...not once, but 15 STINKING TIMES! It took about 2 and a half hours as they would enter in ALL my information, take my picutre, wait for me to scan my thumb, and gosh they are so slow...and for the record, YOU DON"T HOLD DOWN THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON AND TRY TO USE IT LIKE SHIFT, IT JUST DOESN"T WORK! but, enough about that, I love these sweet people :) at least they are trying. So, with that frustration done, we finally got home and managed to salvage some of the day in the field and teach some wonderful all in all a super duper busy week full of success and miracles and we are just trying to stay as busy as possible, with another insanely busy week of training, exchanges, and zone meetings and the like, so we are very excited for all of that! 

Football today was a lot of fun and I had a good day of dancing and goal scoring and the sun stayed away mostly so I'm not pink at least ;) but, Life is great and we are exhausted and I'm about to take a nap in this office to be honest, that would be really nice...maybe I will get my prayer mat and just pass sweet, life is great, just keeping busy and working hard here, I love and pray for you all, thank you for your prayers and encouragement, it means so much to me!:) 

Elder Sumrak

And how could I forget...Christiana Samba left for her mission Friday morning. I got her a mini hymnbook and preach my gospel and we said our goodbyes. She looked so mature and happy and scared and I'm just so proud of her. Only her sister came to see her off, and I imagine that nobody will be writing her throughout her mission except me, so anyone that wants to write this sister just let me know and I'll give you her email address :) So happy to think that she might have entered the temple today, or sometime this week! Oh, joy :) 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Gospel Changes Lives

So, this past week has been crazy once again and busy out of my mind, but my companion is learning super quickly and it just seems like he has been an Assistant forever now haha, he is a quick learner and never a Junior companion, he is most certainly my equal and helps out so much! Love Elder Stanford, guy is a boss and we get along so well. He doesn't get up every morning to work out with me, but I get up everyday at 5:40 now and do about 1000+ crunches, 200 or so pushups and then some other ab workouts, and then we went to the gym once last week and my bench hasn't dropped so that is good, and we also went on a run on Saturday and I did well with that too, so I am staying in shape and doing well. We sure do love the protein shakes, and mix our powders together for some pretty tasty shakes haha, so we are enjoying that! Also enjoying today, our cheat day (got him on my diet as well ;) ) and we had like 8 pieces of french toast each this morning, ah life is good! 

And Mrs. Casey is most certainly invited to watch Ender's Game with me when I get home and you can tell her thank you so much! I would love if she bought that movie for me.  haha, and I can't wait to watch it and read it again and everything, with whatever stinking free time I find, seems like my life back home is going to be as busy as my mission haha, but to be honest, how my schedule looks right now that honestly isn't even possible.  

Well...the ebola craze has died down with the missionaries and hilariously is sparking up with the people. NOW they are aware and are all taking precautions, while we just lowered all of ours today and are shaking hands again and eating Free meals and the like, so thats just the way things work with the news here in Sa Lone :) 

Well...on to my week! Last Tuesday we had our monthly coordination meeting which was super sweet! Had all the sisters and zone leaders from Freetown for a great meeting and we were able to discuss some sweet topics, even a possibility of having something like sister zone leaders, but nothing for sure yet, but it was a great meeting, and afterwards we took care of some office work, then began what we knew unfortunately would be but shouldn't be an adventure. We left too late, and we knew it, as we walked out the door to the quickly setting sun at 6:30 with our back packs on our backs and 2 mosquitoe nets in a package and our swords (scriptures) held securely in our palms...We were on the way to Wellington to join the Thunderhill apartment for an exchange with the Kissy zone leaders, yeah thats a sentence for ya. As we tried and tried for transport to one of our many destinations, we failed and had to get transport another way and walk a short distance to the next pick up point. So we got taxi, walked about 15 minutes to the poda loading place, and no we began walking down the super busy/dirty/filthy/ toxic waste dust filled streets towards our destination, praying poda would pass. Many did, all were full, and now the sun was set, so on we walked past millions of people through the dark party streets of the busy part of Sierra Leone, not having any luck with transport, almost completely lost, but we pressed on, walking through neighbourhoods that I might have just curled up and cried had I found myself there without a name tag...but, we felt inspired to jump off that road and head down a sketchy alleyway through pitch black narrow streets and eventually passed through the compound of a giant mosque full of muslims, but we continued until we found the main road and prayers were answered as we found a half full taxi with a taxi man willing to break the law and overload us all in there :) SUCCESS! we then took the taxi about 20 minutes down the road and he let us off too walked another 10 minutes until we met the zone leaders on the street. we were filthy and tired  but not depressed and entered into a house of young wonderful missionaries, Elder Rogers (my pikin!), Elder Hamilton, Elder Mphaka, Elder Orchard, and zone leaders Ahrinful and Arikpo. We had a great time and it was so sweet to catch up with my boy Elder Rogers!  

Well, Wednesday we had the sweet exchange and had such a great time with the elders. I went with Arikpo up into the Thunderhill areas with the intention of training on finding and teaching families and it went super successful and we were able to find a couple and have some sweet lessons with people! Ended the day early so that we could get home on time, and that still didn't really work as it took us close to 2 hours to get home... might I add that the distance without traffic and the hecticness of Freetown really should be about a 5-10 minute drive haha, very disappointing, poor people here :( its not easy! as they would like to say. 

Thursday, up early and back to the streets to hunt for transport and managed to get 2 taxi rides to get to the poda loading area and then ride the poda for an hour and a half to Waterloo to go and do a weekly planning surprise training with the young missionaries and new district leader there. It went super well and we were able to observe, correct and give some good help to these wonderful missionaries to help them be a tad bit more effective, but we were pleasantly graced with wonderful obedient missionaries, so we were very happy. took a good long ride home and managed to get out and teach a couple lessons in the evening, even though we both had dead legs from the stinking poda poda, stupid seats weren't even mounted to the floor haha, then no taxi, so had to walk about an hour and fifteen minutes home and get hit by 2 stinking bike men...tish! but, we were diligent and still went out bloody and diligent :) trying to do our best haha! 

Well, Friday morning we got up early and fortuantely found a ride with Bishop Markus to go back to Kissy to go and do a sisters training meeting, so we were surprised to find all the sisters there on time and got to have an instruction with the 8 sisters there, as well as the sister trainer leaders Mukiisa and Povanhu gave brief instruction and it honestly went fantastic. We were nervous the sisters would just shut down and not even respond, but they were all super engaged and optimistic and we were able to help them learn a lot of things they were struggling with. Poor sisters :( nobody trains them on the simple things so they have a hard time when they become leaders but these sisters are all so committed and humble and willing to learn, I love that about them! We went to a nice lil cheap restaurant and got some uh hamburgers? made out of ...uh luncheon meat...yeah, then paid a fine price to get a taxi man to just take us all the way home (not playing with transport anymore)! Then, found out many of the missionaries phones were in danger of shutting off due to not being registered :( so we got a ride into town and went to the Airtel office and I have a woman contact in the back, the manager, who I was able to fight through the huge crowd to talk to her, we engaged her with our mende and were able to get one of their workers to come back to our office with us and register our huge list of phones...problem, when he showed up he didn't have everything he needed to finish the, we taught him the Restoration and sent him on his way :)  
Saturday morning, taught a quick lesson in the chapel to Hassan and then got transport into town to go finish the registration. Were able to get this  woman to do our short list for us but that took close to 2 hours, and we rushed home to try and salvage the day and teach as much as possible, so we did some weekly planning finally and then made our way out to go and teach some wonderful people and families :) In the evening, during follow ups, one of our best buddies from Bo, Sonaldo, showed up because all the youth there are on a YSA Summit trip to Freetown where a 70 came and addressed them, so he came and visited us and it was so cool to see him again! 2 of my converts made the long trip as well and were enjoying a dance, but Sonaldo isn't into that haha, but he brought Elder Stanford and me 2 pushup bars with our names carved in them that he made haha, that guy is so sweet!:)  

Sunday, had a sweet service and then skipped part of our Sunday School to go and visit Belliar Park, where Christiana  got up to bare her farewell testimony to leave on mission to Liberia on Friday, my sweet convert who was baptized in November 2012. She is just incredible, the change that she has made in her life just wouldn't make complete sense through email. She was on the bad side of life and everything when we found her and she has just completely reversed. She couldn't even look people in the eyes before, couldn't read, couldn't talk well, just ashamed and shy. Now...stood up in front of 200 people, bore testimony about the truth and divinity of the restored gospel and the Book of Mormon, and threw my name into the testimony like 10x haha which got kinda awkward because everytime she did, everybody in the congregation would turn around and look at me, then turn back haha oh but it was beautiful to see how far she has come. The gospel is truly is :) 

Well...played some awesome football today  so that was a lot of fun. tired and exhausted and going to go get a haircut!! woot woot! life is great and we are balling hard, trunkiness it no daeo, so una go lef for tok dat one! Love you all :) 

Elder Sumrak

Monday, April 7, 2014

All is Well

 Oh, all is well, all is well and everything here is going amazing. I seriously love my new companion to death and we get along perfectly and just have the same work ethic...this has honestly been one of the busiest, most exhausting happiest weeks of my whole mission and I am still tired from it and getting more tired every day, but that's what it's all about. Just keep going and hope that your body quits when you get on the plane home rather than on the top of the mountain ;) He is the perfect missionary to come here and help me to achieve my goal of not getting trunky and going hard until the very last second. The training for him has gone so quickly and smoothly, except he is not so hot with computers, naturally after being in Africa for over a year now, but he is picking it up quickly. We are both cleanly people, obedient, and planners and love to gym, so that is going well and he is also on my diet plan, so we are unified in all things! Life is great! Let's see our week... 

Monday, we left our emailing and went on up to the mission home for our wonderful missionaries departure dinner and boy was it good. We had sloppy joes at the request of Elder Turner and it was madly delicious and then I was exahusted from all the work and passed out during testimonies, but from what I gathered they were really sweet :) haha dessert was massive amounts of ice cream and brownies and I can shamefully say that I had 3 servings...but don't judge me haha. We came on home and the internet was not working and we had to deliver the transport movements to our mission drivers, so at 10:45 at night, President Ostler is driving us around Freetown going to bishop's house to drop those off, and then we finally got to sleep around 11. We were up early to gym and start the transport movements and what not, don't know if I told you about the thief we caught last week in the compound...but he was fired, but on Tuesday EVERYTHING that could go wrong did, and the Lord always provided another way and made so many miracles happen. Well, before it was even 6:30 already got calls that one of our buses broke down and had to figure out different arrangements for that, then came to find out that the driver left 2 of the people he was supposed to pick up, so had to rearrange for them, then the timing didn't work anymore, so had to arrange for elders to spend the night in different places and oh boy I was working hard but we got through the morning and the rearrangements and had the apartment all suited up, then found out an additional missionary was on the way, and got them suited up.  

Ate lunch, then took the 5 departing missionaries on over to the airpot and it was sweet this time because we got to ride across with them, and held back my tears this time as we said goodbye to some really good friends, a companion, and even my future apartment mate Elder Symons...bye bye! Then, we had a briefing with President Ostler about the agenda and program for the Lungi conversion plan haha and that went sweet, then the 15 new missionaries started arriving, looking all fresh and green and happy haha, so we gathered them all up on the bus and got them across on 2 separate sea coach boats, which was a lot of fun! a really excited group with like 4 tongans included, and they were just fun and friendly and super excited for the work. I contacted a man on the bus though, an Indian man R., and that was cool , one of the first Indian contacts I've made, although I tried to contact an Egyptian yesterday and quite honestly I think I would have done better with a deaf person haha, couldn't understand each other at all!:) but we tried. We got all the missionaries back to the mission office safely, fed them all, got everyone snug for bed, did all of our crazy busy work, and we even got to bed on time as well! But...problem, I had ordered and prepared food for 15 missionaries, but I didn't take into account the fact that 1 tongan = 4 normal humans, so when they went to make sandwiches, one elder literally made an 8 piece of bread pb and, did a quick assessment to get extra food...but oh them so much :) 

Up early Wednesday to start preparing breakfast for the elders and managed to have them all dressed and ready and even time for personal studies, then went down to the office and the Ostler's arrived with a last minute request...They wanted to take the 15 missionaries up to Leicester Peak, the top of the mountain, 25 minutes away, to do an orientation...well all of our drivers were gone doing movements, but Elder Stanford and I were not discouraged, we loaned 200,000 out from the mission funds and ran out to the junction and miraculously found an empty poda poda (literally, its a miracle to ever see one empty) and we managed to hire him hahaha, Imagine that, it was so cool, so he drove us back to the compound and we piled the missionaries in there and the mission vehicles as well and made our sketchy way up to the top of Leicester Peak for a really sweet and unique orientation that we haven't done before :) Awesome! Made our way down and then managed to get the poda poda man's contact information and then sent it (he has been taught multiple times by the missionaries now and he and his family are progressing :) ). So continued on and had orientation and lunch and got to teach all the new guys everything I know about Sierra Leone, at the request of the Ostlers at lunch haha, which was lots of fun for Elder Stanford and I. After, ran up to the office and managed to coordinate all the drivers and give them their tasks and get the elders in the right cars and sent out to their areas, strangely no mistakes, so that was nice! Got all that done and we still had 5 left who would be leaving Thursday, so I paired each of them with elders here and we all went out to go teach, gosh it felt so sweet to have a newbie again, and I just threw him right in and we contacted 2 families straight and taught them and got him to do some teaching as well. Elder Adu-Gyamfi :) oh, that was such a good time, we exhausted them up on the hills and then tucked 'em all in for bed. 

Thursday we were up by about 5:15 or so starting to wake the elders and pile up all the supplies for Bo/Kenema and fed everyone and what not, and eventually the bus showed up and we got them all out successfully with no more hassle. So, with all that done, finally Elder Nwosu and the others departed for Lungi, farewell! and we continued our work. Sister Brown from Kissy was leaving on her mission so we helped with her orientation and setting apart, then accompanied president to sea coach to drop her off, and we stayed with her to keep her company, then found taxi home fortunately. we then had an office meeting that lasted FOREVER and didn't end until dark, but we went out and taught a lesson anways before coming back to close.   

Friday, we left after personal study and got a ride with Bishop Markus to attend Lumley zone's district/sister training leader orientation meeting, and their chapel is right on the beach, so it was so pretty as we sat outside and had an amazing instruction from Elder Bogh and Richardson and also so cool to see all of our district leades from that side. They helped train everyone up and it was a sweet meetng. We came on home and then had a 4 hour planning session, as we planned the most crazy transfer of my entire life. Everyday, district meetings, exchanges, trainings, observations, follow ups, interviews, my my my we are going to die but its going to be so sweet. we ended the study at 6:30 and had followups at 7...but, we ran out and contacted 2 families before running inside to close and do follow ups until 10:30 haha....boy oh boy.  

Saturday was a sweet and amazing full day out proselyting with miracles and miracles and families and families. Such a sweet day and a nice break from the office :) And yeah...thats how the weekend pretty much went down, we are working our faces off and enjoying it so much and gosh my fingers hurt from typing, so I am going to shut up now, but I love you all so much and I pray for all of you and hope you all continue to endure to the end...yeah, something like that. Love you bye bye! 

Elder Sumrak