
Monday, July 2, 2012

Almost time to leave the MTC

Well that sounds like some freak weather you guys are having but i am glad everybody is safe :) today is going great! amazing fast sunday and all of the sierra leone elders actually leave on tuesday morning which is a relief haha! I am super excited. The past couple of  days have been super boring though. We had to sit in one room and listen to lectures for an entire day on friday, but yesterday was okay. We had like an allstar soccer game sort of deal where the best 5 of us missionaries played like the cooks and the teachers and what not...I was the only white man on the field haha but i did awesome and we ended up tying 1-1. Lots of fun :) The spirit has been with all of us so strongly. A bunch of us missionaries gather for a devotional everynight in one of the guys room and we usually have a hymn and prayer and then people uusuallly share a message and what not and it is always so great :) the spirit is strong during the day but it is extra strong when a bunch of guys get together and continue to praise the Lord, even after they have spent the last 16 hours of the day doings really is a wonderful testimony experience :) so we fly out at 9 on tuesday morning and we arriive in Sierra Leone and take a water taxi from the island to the mainland freetown area...There are 2 elders from Sierra Leone and I have been talking to them and its going to be VERY VERY crazy getting out of the airport...once I do that I will be okay but apparently the people swarm the white guys, and will yank off any watch you have or anything they can grab and run away with...So im really nervous but I will be fine :) I will say my prayers and everything will work out like it is supposed to. Tomorrow is just our last day of classes, and we get all of our clothes washed one last time, so we are all super ready to be gone. Its fast sunday today so we don't eat until 5 tonight, so I am on like a 5 hour break right now, but we have interviews with the President in like an hour so that will be nice :)
So a little more about the people. So Africans swear a lot haha, but to them its not swearing, im pretty sure its stuff they say in church and what not, but its not uncommon to hear the F word or any other word being thrown around the hall hahaha. Well some find it really offensive, while others say they use it with their parents and everything, so every culture here is very different. Its very strange haha but its fun learning about. Well, time to say goodbye to the MTC, about time! but i am sure i will be grateful for the many blessings I have had here once i am thrown out into the real world haha :) i pray for your safety and well being everyday family. I love you all so much, I guess the next time you hear from me I will be in the wild haha...I love you all. Have a great Week. Love you friends, family, Jenalyn :) BYE!

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