
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I Wear Yellows

Oh mother, you and your corny jokes haha, I love them indeed!
something interesting I also found in my studies this week incorporating
our new mission focus on families, I did a study for district meeting
and this is small of what I came up with from the study : talked about
how the Book of Mormon starts with family in 1 nephi 1, the New
Testament starts with family in not only telling the birth of Christ
but establishing the genealogy and family history, and I found the Old
Testament starts with Heavenly Father building a home and a family in
the first chapter with the world and Adam and his wife, also in
Doctrine and Covenants section 2, it talks about Elijah's promise and
blessing, which the first section was added later to the beginning, so
maybe that was originally the beginning of family being the first
doctrine in the list of covenants, and then the Pearl of Great Price
does the same, beginning with Moses and God establishing his
connection with Moses as HIS SON, and that God is most certainly his
FATHER. Small small.

and yeah, they eat a lot of that chicken gizzard here, its cheap! and
easy to cook, just boil it nice and nice till its not too tough, but I
am teaching my companion a little how to cook...he can heat up baked beans now
:) but thats about as much as he will do. I am going back to chicken
breast when I looked and found chicken gizzard contains like 127% of
your daily cholesterol in 1 small small with that one :)

Yeah...I drink a lot of syrup now haha, i have a ton and its just like
my snackng now just take it and chug some...yeah, super healthy huh?
but yummy :) went into town today and got some sweet material and got
a tailor to take my measurements and she is making me a jacket vest
like for church out of it. it should be sweet, but we will see...Saidu
also left me some SWEET african shirts when he left on Friday...Gosh,
I love that boy. I am going to miss him and Idriss so much. 
...anything to help that guy! even got an email from him today

ah, mother it makes me so happy to hear that you are anxiously engaged
in missionary work back home :) You and I can go and visit people
together on Sundays okay? and maybe if I'm lucky dad and I can be home
teachers together for the summer. I would like that a lot! and gosh I
miss me some Bubba n Franks! ah, need me those sweet potatoe fries,

ah, crazy in Williamsburg! everything okay? and yeah we get pretty
intense lightning sometimes, but the craziness of sa lone right now is
that like Wednesday it poured all day, and a bridge collapsed, killing
10 or so people, and 30 + are still trapped underneath it and people
are STILL working on rescuing them...its very sad and a big commotion
here still. its got everyone scared about the  infrastructure of
this town!

and I don't know if all of you will be able to have the patience to
wait for me and Enders does it look? who are the actors? :)

I tried a new fruit this week...SOURSOP! super yummy :) Thursday was
the end of Ramadan the muslim fasting month so we had PRAY DAY and
tons of food and nobody goes anywhere so lots of appointments and lots
of happy belly full muslims running around haha :)

Got your guys SWEET box this week and I am enjoying everything SO
much, thank you thank you! listening to Kenny G is amazing and for
some reason strangely reminds me of late night drives through Newport
News? strange... and the workout book is so much fun! I am loving the
handstand pushups and working hard to improve my muscle strength and
even got to 8 today, so I am trying to reach 10 by Saturday :)

Lost the phone on Saturday when getting out of taxi...went and got the
sim recovered today but lost all the numbers and they will be deducting
money from my subsistence for the next 4 months to pay for it...tish...but its
the will of God so I am not too beat up about it . I was super upset at
first but immediately entering the house I knelt down and prayed and
just felt at peace with the world and everything is good and dandy :)
I know God loves me!

We had a baptism for Ibrahim  on Saturday and it was
awesome! Elder Labrum got to do his first baptism and it was super
sweet. Ibrahim is following the example of his close buddies who were
all rebel children who gambled, broke the law, and were troublemakers
who are now turning into the saints of the neighbourhood :) I love
them all!

We went to another youth Family Home evening on Saturday and 30 were
there! again, they asked me to give the spiritual thought and I
invited ALL of them to invite us to come teach their parents...we will
see how they do :) Also, one of the young men has quit smoking since we
gave him a blessing the previous Sunday, so I am super excited for him
and he should be interviewed Sunday if he can continue enduring :)

The work here is great, we are busy and loving it and working super
hard...district duties are great and everything is taken care of. Hill
Station elders just moved in with us today so got to help them unpack
and get settled...also Elder Labrum and I lifted a taxi this week that
was stuck in a gutter haha, we didn't get TOO dirty...but gosh my
whites are not white anymore...I wear yellows! but life is great and
family is the most important thing in the world. I love my family so
much and I'm so grateful for this gospel and the opportunity I have to
unite families forever...KAYEAGOMA!

Elder Sumrak

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