So, no boku time so I will type as fast as my little fingers can fly and really my hands are so small by the way. There are 6 missionaries in Makeni right now, including our Elder Clawson who is 1st counselor in the branch presidency there and Makeni is SWEET! It's really clean and pretty, but besides that really just looks like the rest of Sierra Leone, just with some rich things you wouldn't expect, like a giant shopping mall? or strip malls? its kinda weird haha and everything is super expensive but that is where the rich people all live. 24/7 light and water baby, those missionaries ENJOY...but then do I now. I have light and water. and they came with a washing machine this week :) so, now business is booming and I have time to take care of more important things besides sitting in the bathroom scrubbing at my clothes for an hour!
This week was rather stressful though, with painters coming from Tuesday to Friday and having to lock all our stuff up. Found stuff missing like all my gum, my pens, and our bananas and some peanut butter and small things as well, and who knows what else I'll find is gone when I actually need it and go searching...but ugh small small :/ now that that stress is over I am a lot happier
and my day last week...haha I have those days quite often :) but its okay! and heck yes we bought that fruit! The Burns tried to buy some and got 2 pineapples for 20,000....I was not happy with that, so burst out my krio and told the Kanzlers to drive to the next pineapple stand where I made it clear I was not a white man from america and drove off with 3 bigger pineapples for 15,000 :) haha oh its so much fun. whenever an African calls the couples they say ummm...I can't understand, I'm going to hand the phone to a local so they can help...then hand us the phone haha its really fun :)
But, with what little time I have I will try to fill you all in. Had a baptism this Saturday and I got to baptize J., a 18 year old boy in our ward, and also baptizing was P. and G. in Belliar Park, 2 of my investigators while I was there :) and it was so sweet because P. and his children are being baptized and he is going to baptize his wife this month so its really awesome. he cried and hugged me after the baptism...and that's not typical African by the way, so it was really special and he asked me to do his confirmation, so I was very lucky to walk into Belliar Park sacrament meeting and confirm him! hhaha so cool!
Christmas primary program this Sunday as well and boy was that crazy. These kids are so talented, and the songs they learned well...but they were taught a little wrong so some of you would laugh because that is NOT how I Am a Child of God goes haha. but these kids had memorized entire scriptures and what not and the whole program was memorized...really, imagine, kids the size of Kennedy (who is 4) getting up and quoting doctrine and covenants and the first vision without batting an eye...but that is how they learn here. and by learn that mean just memorization, because they have NO idea what any of the words coming out of their tiny little mouths mean. It was funny to find that even the beautiful prayer at the end was memorized as well, as I heard the woman whispering from across the room....or shouting hahaaha oh sa lone...
but, my time is extremely short on this great super pday. got to play some football and watch MEGAMIND! yeah...who approved that one? oh yeah...that's right me :) and yeah did some Christmas shopping then had an appointment with a a less active and our bishop and ward mission leader but no, we had to stay and receive missionaries at the compound haha but whatever the Lords will be done. :)
well, that's my week in a nutshell. I love this amazing work that I have been called to do and I give a hearty hearty kushay to my cousins Drew and Katie who served amazing missions and changed the person at a time. and I hope that I can be as great as missionaries as them one day...but I only have 6 months to do it so I better get on it quick. Amazing job cousins :) thank you for your example. I love everyone so much, have a merry Christmas. As I enjoy Michael buble Christmas songs, boyakasha!
Elder Sumrak
I love Elder Sumrak's letters. I like the title of this one. Short and Sweet. And it's still longer than anything Elder Hales has ever sent. This two Elders have been amazing. Started out as best friends then spent most the mission apart at different ends of the mission. Now both are AP's in different parts of the mission. I can't wait for Elder Sumrak to come out to BYU so I can feed him Sunday dinners, Hales Beef!.