
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love to Teach!

This past week was amazing! We got to go out and teach teach teach and find find find and testify and I just felt the spirit so much and it just made me so happy and I felt like a normal missionary again, and it felt so good, but I am diligently doing my calling as well and I know that this is what the Lord has called me to do and will fulfill my calling, and enjoy the proselyting when opportunity permits...but, boy did it permit this week! 

And yes...preparation for new missionaries has officially begun and we will start the chaos big time on Wednesday when we receive the transfer news, so that is when the real excitement and Ibuprofen popping begins! woot woot! can't wait :) seriously, it is so stressful, but it is almost fun sometimes haha I love being a part of it and getting to help out, so I am not complaining at all to be honest. 

I think we have 18 missionaries coming this time around, next Tuesday, and 9 of them are sisters, which actually makes my work a lot easier haha, but still with this many missionaries it is always exciting for transfer time, new areas and swaps and apartments and the like and oh it's so cool to watch the Lord hastening His work...I am witnessing it and being a part of it everyday. 

I haven't met the couples yet, but I did see the new ones today in a passing truck and got to wave to them...they looked a little bit overwhelmed...welcome to SA LONE!:) 

hahah that made me laugh so hard about father thiefing my soccer shoes :)  I can understand him being a little jealous...tell him to get the same and we can match! 

So, Tuesday this week we had our mission leadership council with President and all the zone leaders and that was super sweet! we talked about treating people as agents and not objects, and then discussed and worked on resolving many mission concerns, but it was really pleasant and is helping me. Something I have been focusing on now is principles that govern my actions. I am obedient, but what principles inspire my obedience? Is it obedience for obedience sake? Or obedience bcause I love the Lord and his children? 

Wednesday...a FULL day of proselyting and boy was it sweet, ah we got to teach so many great lessons and it was such a great day of feeling the spirit and teaching the Lord's children, oh boy I loved it so much :) what a sweet relief and break ah, it truly was a great refresher. Thursday we were mostly busy in the office :/ but Friday and Saturday we got to get out more and teach teach teach and ah, I am so happy we had such a great week 5, beause week 6 last transfer we had 3 lessons...I hope we can manage more than that this time, but transfer time is crazy ahhaha! 

Today was pretty sweet, as we cleaned the apartment after a good morning gym session, and then we all made our way over to the National Stadium, where they have basketball, tennis courts, pools and everything. So, we went to go play basketball, but you know me, I packed a futbol, so I got a bunch of Sa Lone boys coming off school and some Return missionaries and we played some sweet futbol, even though the bobos were bugging the heck out of me haha, they just can't seem to comprehend a white man playing futbol and speaking their language...(it's a part of town where missionaries don't proseltye) so I guess that's why haha...well, then we went to Freetown Mall and I spent boku money on some supplies and sweet food for my cooking adventures. I had run out of razors, and these Sa Lone ones are tearing my face apart haha, but small small, my skin has gotten tougher now, so what doesn't kill you makes you (no not stronger) stranger...yeah that one :) 

Well, on our way home, got a pleasant call while we in the taxi...2 of our missionaires were detained at the US Embaassy for taking pictures of the we rushed home, didn't even shower, threw on our shirt and ties and rushed up the mountain with their passports and got them released...not going to say any names...but my my my :) still love them, but now enjoying some sweet email and life is pretty good right no complaints with me...busy busy, I love you all boku, hope you have a great week! 

Elder Sumrak

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