
Monday, May 27, 2013


Awww so glad to hear that the family had such a great reunion :) glad to know everyone is doing well and is happy and safe. I love the pictures and everyone looks beautiful and adorable and healthy :) thank you so much momma dearest! As far as soccer news just world cup qualifiers would be sweet for the summer time and then just transfer news would be amazing, just so I can know who is going where and how Manchester United is doing :) you have done an amazing year of soccer news for me momma deary, you are a pro :) tankey so much! 

I am feeling okay, actually had a bit of a cold this week...but that is because LIGHT DON COME! that's right, there is electricity in Bo now which is the greatest blessing of the world. Well, it rains a lot now, like 3-5 times during the week hard, but now we have light almost the entire night and usually the evenings when we are home. It is so nice. we have frozen chicken, frozen water now, and my fan is on the entire night, the reason I have a cold :) but, i will trade a good nights sleep for a cold any day! I will actually do it for the next 4-5 months :) haha, YAY! new foods this week... only banana and cream oatmeal! SO good, I almost cried...:) and I sure hope I get to see my mission president one more time before he leaves. I believe and pray I do haha 

Stan sold the truck! what?! that is so crazy! oh Stan. Wow, that yearbook sounds so sweet!:) I can't wait to see it, and I also want to see this senior video haha, so try to hold on to one for me so we can all enjoy one day! Nick is so talented, atta boy! 

So..onto my week...So, something I thought was funny is a typical missionary meal we eat here...which is bread, with sweet milk(condensed milk) on it...I strongly recommend everyone to try it and tell me what you think! 

The most adorable girl in the world...Haja - She is 10 years old and I noticed she had come to church for consecutive weeks, so I began to teach her one day. Well, the time for her baptism finally came this week and gosh was she ready. I asked her how her Book of Mormon reading was going and she took her Book of Mormon out (she can't read yet) and she showed me how she had underlined almost the entire Book of Mormon the words God, Lord, Jesus Christ, and Holy was amazing! She had even done the footnotes and the index! So, I ran to the junction and bought her tons of chocolate and came back and spoiled her like nothing! She is so adorable, she wants to pay her tithing and everything and ah it was great! She came to church all by herself yesterday and was confirmed...beat her momma(adopted momma kinda) and 2 brothers there by like 30 minutes. kushey to Haja! 

Mariama is also another amazing sweetheart! This about wraps her, 18 years old, married, 2 kids, but it is amazing how the atonement and the holy ghost can really change someone's life. She comes to church all by herself with her lil child and we have been trying to teach her how to read and well...small small,  but...she is so sweet and we have tried so hard, and she was also baptized on Saturday and came all by herself ! Kushey to Mariama :) 

Another inspiring individual...Vandi! This small boy is straight outta the bush village and can't even speak krio, only Mendes. They say he is 10, but he looks like he is 8, but he wanted to come to church the other week but his momma wouldn't let him go by he cried the whole day, so we introduced him to the relief society president and her 5-7 kids and they took him to church last week...well, this week, Vandi was there and when I got someone to translate our conversation, I found that he had come all alone. so...he must have snuck out haha and uh well, I must admire his bravery and not sure to chastise his righteous dishonesty, but we will see haha. what an inspiring little boy!:) 

We watched general conference yesterday and it was such a blessing to me, but gosh I pitied everyone else in there. they looked so confused and so lost. Here...the leaders of their church talking to to them and it was as if I had a German who was speaking German to me, they couldn't understand anything. But, I hope they felt the sweet spirit that attended! we watched the first session and I had to entertain Issac and Haja and draw pictures with them and keep them quiet haha, but everyone left when they started the Sunday 2nd session, so literally just me and Elder Flament, the elders quorum, sunday shcool president and branch president, and 1st counselor stayed to watch ahha, oh it was very nice though :) 

Saturday was a fantastic day! We had baptisms and it was awesome. We first went to pick up Issac to take him, and he was ready, but Haja was a small problem. Her momma had sent her to go brook, so we had to go find her with her 2 brothers, and then I grabbed all their 5 gallons and toted them back to the house haha, so got a nice workout in the process. Got her dressed and ready to go and on to pickup Mariama, she was dressed and ready and then it started to rain small, but a silent prayer in my heart calmed the storm that threatened to ruin the occasion and we were blessed with no more rain :) Well more people joined as our entourage made our way through the bush to the baptism, and soon our line of people contained the 3 candidates, 4 children, 2 brothers, and 3 adult investigators haha, so it was a pretty funny scene. The baptism was super great and we combined with New Barracks. I had the amazing privilege of baptizing in the river once again and it was so special. We got Peter, Haja's brother to baptize her and it was so funny, she is just too short haha :) 

Well...everything else is going fine. I love singing every song to Come Thou Fount, which can be quite hilarious, since now the whole apartment does it. So, I dare anyone to try to sing Angels We Have Heard on High to Come Thou Fount, it is my absolute favorite, so I hope you try and enjoy :) haha 

Today was a brutal football game...we played a division 2 team in Bo and didn't go too badly. We only lost 3-5 and we didn't look too bad. I had a great game and got on the score sheet with a penalty kick and then an assist, so great for me...not for my body haha, its dead. 

But, I love mission so much, this is honestly the best 2 years and I love it so very much. Mission is a blessing and I just hope I can give all my time and talents to serving the Lord, my God. Tankey tankey everyone and have a great great week :) 

Elder Jesse Sumrak 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Rainy Season is Back!

Rainy season don come! Small small right now, but it has definitely
arrived. It rained a little bit about everyday this week and some days
it hammered down, enough to soak your trousers all the way! saddest part is, light still hasn't no
electricity with the pain of rain. Usually its a nice exchange of
comforts but we're not experiencing the perks just yet, but I have
faith it will come soon!

and AC...well, the supermarket we shop at has AC and oftentimes you
will find missionaries just standing there in the back corner with
their eyes closed enjoying the nice break. and the one restaurant,
Sabs, we go to has AC, so we get to enjoy for a little bit once a
month which is nice. But, the internet cafes just use fans, no wonder
they all break so quick haha, but its actually cooling down with rainy
season here, which is nice. it gets super humid but like this morning
I was super chilly while brooking and hand goosebumps, while Elder
Stanford was wearing a hoody haha, so its pretty nice right now!

My burn is doing great, its going to leave a sweet scar I can show my
kids, but small small, it is going away :) but no it didn't ruin any
pants, it happened when I was wearing shorts,
unfortunately/fortunately haha

oh mother, thank you for following the spirit and doing that :) when
we follow the spirit miracles happen, oftentimes we don't understand
and sometimes don't even understand that its the spirit prompting us,
but something is prompting us, and some people fail to act on it, and
I am working super hard to notice these feelings and act on them, but
gosh, it happens so much while teaching a lesson that I think its just
part of me now

and momma...I have no idea how I do seven days a week as well haha
but, it probably has something to do with being set apart haha...I can
honestly say its not possible without it!

Well...On to the week!

On Tuesday we sent our beloved Sonaldo into town to make us district
t-shirts and gosh they turned out pretty sweet. They say Sewa Road
district on the back with all of our 10 names, and then on the front
its a picture of Sa Lone and says Kayegoma! haha so awesome!

Well, we found a new area this week, known as Sherrif town! we have
this old lady in the branch who asked us to come and visit her family
and gosh we did not realize how far out in the bush her house was, but
a little boy met us on the highway and walked us like the 15 minute
journey through the hills and jungle to the house haha and came to
find the woman had 4 chairs and a table sitting in the middle of the
lawn waiting for us. She has been a member since 1991, super old
member! and found some other old members around there. it was awesome.
we talk her grandchildren and they all came to church with her Sunday,
so I am super excited for them!

So...I saw some new food sitting on one of the food tables this week
and decided to try looked like chalk and she gave it to me for
free and told me I would enjoy...I almost threw up...Elder Hovley
later told me when I ate it that that was clay...that they dig out
from the swamps and leave in the sun to harden...tasted like it sounds
so I believe it!

Pretty much every Elder in the apartment had a dream with me in it
this week and it was quite strange, but one elder had a dream that he
broke the law of chastity and I was in the dream chastising him
saying "was it worth it buddy! Was IT WORTH IT!" so glad my district
love and fear me :) haha I love them!

Well...I was trying to cook crepes this week and the gas went out in
the middle of it, but this time making a fire by myself outside did
not go well, due to the much rain we have received this week...they
just wouldn't cook and I had NO FOOD so...I tried to eat the raw
dough, and almost threw up, so it wasn't pleasant, and Elder Stanford
walked in and was like, what are you doing, I'll give you bread! And I
was like, NO, I'm too independent to eat your bread, so I continued to
try to choke down this nasty tish and bad.

We went to teach Alimatu, Fatmata, Alice, and Isonatu this week and
after the lesson (law of chastity :) ) they brought out a big bowl of
rice and beans and then brought two spoons and apologized that they
did not have any other bowls to give us, so we could just use the
spoons, and I said NO WAY! we go use we hands, de same as una. So,
there we were, digging in the rice and binge with sauce all over us
with our hands plunged in the same pot as the 4 girls haha, so nasty
when you think back on it, but rather hilarious at the time :) good
times haha

Yesterday I got to go interview a girl....who only spoke Mendes haha,
so had to have another girl sit there and translate the interview for
me, which was a little frustrating, but kinda special and nice at the
same time. It was a sweet experience though and both the girls are
such sweethearts and I'm super excited to know they are worthy to be
baptized this Saturday!

Coal pot first time! Last night, with no gas, we got to break out the
coal pot for the first time. For those who don't know. Its a small
pedestal looking thing that you put coals on and then light plastic on
fire and get the coals nice and hot and going, then put your pot on em
to we made Jollaf rice and we enjoyed haha and it was a
nice experience cooking African style!

But, we had a great week and I really saw so many miracles :) we had
12 people come to church yesterday and lots of sweet little children
who came very far. We were teaching these 2 18 year old girls and they
didn't come to church...but their tiny tiny little 10 year old brother
came, and it was so sweet! we taught SO many lessons this week, the
most I have taught my whole mission, and I got to go on 2 exchanges
with Elder Woodhead and my brother Elder Weller and it was AWESOME!
the area is doing sweet and I am really enjoying it :) can't believe
its week 5 already, this transfer is FLYING BY!

But, I love this gospel and know that it is true...It has blessed my
life in so many ways and I do not know where or who I would be without
it. I thank the Lord for his condescension in sending his only begotten
son, and I thank Jesus Christ for his condescension in that he
suffered mortality for our sakes :) I love the knowledge that this
gospel contains and it's overwhelming sometimes to think of all I have
to learn, yet encouraging that I have a life full of continual
growth.!  I love una and pray for una everyday, I tango tankey for me
life, for me mama, and me papa, and all me fambul dem. I no set god I
de and I miss una boku boku. Bikakaka for all de love and prayers dem,
Tankey tankey!

Malo way!

Elder Sumrak

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day!

From Elder Sumrak's Mom:  We had the great blessing of speaking with
Elder Sumrak yesterday for Mother's Day.  He told us great stories about his
mission and shared his testimony with us.  He truly loves his mission, the 
country of Sierra Leone and most importantly, the people of Sierra Leone.
I so greatly appreciate the people of Sierra Leone who are so kind and
generous to our son!

So great to get to talk to you yesterday and all of our wonderful family.
It truly was a blessing and I enjoyed it VERY VERY much! and what are
you talking about mother, you are coming and visiting Sierra Leone
with me one day, and I will show you to all my recent converts, and
where we baptized, and everything, and you are going to absolutely
LOVE it!:) ah I can't wait day.

Well, I really already talked about everything that I could possibly
think about yesterday but, had a sweet river baptism of Elizabeth
on Saturday and fortunately she came and was confirmed yesterday
in church. The branch is doing well and has finally be declared
tithing worthy, so I know along with that the richest of blessings
will start to flow to these wonderful people for their obedience to
this ancient and eternal commandment. Their fields will be rich for
the harvest, literally, and many more blessings will come their way.
If you apply 3 Nephi 24: 8-13 literally to Sierra Leone, it really
makes it quite amazing and realistic, which is very nice to read with
people here, especially farmers, because it doesn't take
interpretation, its quite plain and simple haha,thank you Book of
Mormon, I love you :)

I have the greatest testimony of tithing and anyone that reads this
and thinks I'm crazy can just  pray about it, because
tithing is one of the greatest blessings this world has to offer. It's
not a's a blessing. It's our only opportunity really to
give of what we have literally to the Lord, and yet we are still
unprofitable servants, in that the Lord has blessed us with what we
have given, and even further more in the profound charity of our
Eternal Father in that he continues to bless us for our honesty and
integrity, thus furthering our never ending debt to our loving
Father...It really is quite simple. I apply it to the Africans here,
that God gives you 10 bon give him 1, so then he gives you
a 100...then you give him 10, then he gives you a 1,000...yeah, that
is how tithing goes...have the faith to try it and see if you have
similar results, because my life has been blessed in abundance even
beyond that. I have seen it in my life, and especially in the lives of
my family.  Thank you!:)

Well, really I don't have to much to say this week, my burn (Elder Sumrak
burned his leg on the hot exhaust of a motor bike) is finally
healing up and no further wounds from football today. I look forward to
good competition when I get home. People do have talent here, but
unfortunately talent, athleticism, and experience will never
compensate for the necessity of sense and knowledge. Anyone can play,
but no body can play like the man who knows football. An old man of 40
(Paul Scholes, Ryan Giggs) will forever be more effective then the
fastest most talented youngsters because of their knowledge of the
sport. I encourage everyone to watch and admire their knowledge of the
game. They sabe football more then we sabe what rice tastes like, and
that's saying something :)

I want to acknowledge the legend Sir Alex Ferguson and commend him for
his patience and love for the club of dreams. (Side note from Mom:  Elder Sumrak
told us that May 11th was Bob Marley Day in Sierra Leone and his music was
played loudly all day everywhere) Also, Bob Marley...not
quite a role model, but rather enjoyable music, thank you for your
contributions to this world...I hope you accept the gospel in your
current state :) 

But, I love you all so very much and love this gospel and this church.
It is true! If you don't know...or want to know, I encourage you to
pray and ask, because you will receive an answer...don't doubt that.
Read James 1:5-6. It's a promise, not a maybe, trust in God and try it
for yourself. Take care my dear friends and family, I promise to have
more to talk about next week, but my experiences have already been
previously exhausted on my wonderful family!

Elder Jesse Sumrak

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Let's Bare Our Testimonies!

Hello, hello, dear family and friends! How quickly these weeks seem to
fly by, well golly gee (yeah, I'm tired), haha. Another amazing week
has passed by in Sierra Leone, and my area gets sweeter every day. And
I have a good amount of space in the front yard to do my jogging
mother dearest, I can do like 20 -30 yard sprints, and Elder Woodhead
usually gyms in the morning, but just me and him mostly. The others
just relax haha, but every night Elder Hovley and I do yoga for like 45
minutes now, which is great. I am becoming a lot more flexible and
getting some good endurance in some areas I was lacking before, like
balance! haha, but small small.

New missionaries came to Sierra Leone but none came to Bo 
except 1, so I have NO IDEA
what is going on in Freetown because we only received one here in Bo
and Kenema, which means that 10 went to Freetown haha, but, I guess
there are lots of new areas popping up, but I wonder if my picking is
training! that would make me a grandpa!:) oh posterity.

The Schlehubers don't live far at all. They are actually in my
 and my companion's area, and we pass their house every day, which is
very convenient since I am always having to go and gather more tracs
and Book of Mormons and stuff for the district, and they usually treat
us to cold water and if we're lucky home made cookies...oh the spoiling
is too much to handle sometimes, just got to stay away!

But, don't you worry about the phone call, we will get everything
sorted out and I will make sure the batteries are all charged on the
phone, I can just take them to the street and have them charged during
the day for just a small fund, so no problem. But, on Sunday I will
still have to do interviews for the Elders and report numbers and what
not, so I will try to be home a little early, maybe around 3 or so my
time, so I can call you guys, but I will try my best and I know my
companion will want to call as well so whichever time works best...but, I
guess I could call anytime between like 3-9 haha :) that doesn't help
much does it mother, you have church though don't you....hmmm...

And that is so sweet the sisters are staying with you guys! I know
they are going to really enjoy that and you will enjoy the sweet
spirit that enters your home from 2 people whose only purpose is to
have the spirit with them haha, :) I know they will benefit from your
sweet spirit as well family.

That is so awesome that you got all that Adventure Time stuff momma, I
am super excited to enjoy that when I get home. and I am definitely
going to try making those tortillas momma bear, haha I am trying to be
a good chef so hopefully you will be proud of me :)

But, on to my week...

So, tried something new and tasty this week...corn flour with sugar!
They were selling it in these little tie tie bags and I wanted
something cheap so I got some and gosh it is rather yummy! so, there I
am just walking down the street sucking on a bag of corn flour and, how pathetic am I? I know I'm awesome :)

Had an exchange with Elder Penia this week which was great. Crazy
Samoan haha, but I love the heck out of that Elder, even if he is a
bit insane, or actually a lot insane haha, but a lovable guy,
nonetheless. We went to one of his recent converts house to teach one
woman there who is an investigator, upon arriving, the mother of the
family was very upset because we had not informed her we were coming
and she had not cooked anything, I told her its okay, we come for her
and her family, not the food...oh, so while we were teaching the
investigator for 15 minutes, she whipped up a bunch of fried
plantaines, sent the children to buy bread and drinks, so by the time
we prayed and were about to head on our way, she was calling us over
that she had food haha, oh what a sweet sweet woman :) :) :) We had
friend plantaine sandwiches with flavored water inside wine glasses
haha, so good!

Also, random question, could you send my hot dog king story to me
mother in the next package? no emergency, but the other elders want to
read it :) you can find it on my facebook under my notes. TANKEY

BAPTISM SATURDAY! so great, we had a combined service with the 2 New
Barracks companion ships on Saturday, so 6 Elders with 5 baptisms and
it was awesome. Elder Flament and I went to both of our candidates
houses, so we could show them to
the Branch Presidents house where we would be having the service. It
was awesome! We all trooped on back to the riverside and it was a
super spiritual and beautiful experience. I had the sweet blessing of
baptizing Dura and it was just perfect...the baptism went great, and
while I was watching the other baptisms, he changed and came up behind
me and tapped me on the shoulder and was like "Elder Sumrak, I feel
like I'm already in heaven." and it just touched my heart so much to
see this boy who has absolutely nothing to make this covenant with our
loving Heavenly Father. He is such a great guy and I love him so much,
I am trying to get him super involved in the church and everything
and get him to go teaching with us. All he wants is to go to the
temple and do his family history work and go on a mission for God. He
is such an unselfish boy, and he is only 17...ah, he inspires me to be

But, after the sweet river baptisms, the 6 of us elders all made our
way into town to celebrate. It was a very special day for me...
So, we all went to Sabs to go and get giant hamburgers and just enjoy
after a hard weeks work, which was very nice. I got a big ole eggburger
and some fries and filled my belly up, ah, so yummy. It was a great
time with the guys, then back to our area to squeeze in some lessons
before the close of the great day.

Yesterday was fast Sunday, which I love! I love fast Sunday lots, but
I'm not going to lie and say its easy when you have to go to every
persons area to do interviews on an empty tummy, but the Lord truly
blesses us and gives us strength, so I can't complain and I honestly
wouldn't have it any other way. We are told that its wise to drink
water under our circumstances still...but, I just don't feel like its
a legit fast so I don't do it :) the Lord will help me :) Journal

Then, we all finished the day by cooking as a district. We made a
great tomato stew by throwing in everything that we could think of,
tomato paste, curry, pepay, onions, garlic, spam, and tons of crazy
other stuff, and it turned into a really yummy stew, that we enjoyed
with a pasta, and some garlic bread...oh, apartment unity :)

Today, played some football, super tired and sore but yeah, life is
great! love mission, love Bo, love Sierra Leone, love this new cafe
that is a lot quicker and cheaper. life is great. I know that this
gospel is true and I love it so much. Spiritual thought for the day, I
was studying this week about bearing our testimony, and came across
some sweet scriptures in Doctrine and Covenants that talk about how
when we bare our testimony, our sins are forgiven us, and I thought
that was pretty sweet! so, let us all go out and bare our testimony, I
love you all so much, let's lift up all the weak hands and knees and
give them the support they need. Take care family and friends! The
Lord loves you :)

Elder Jesse Sumrak

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Few New Pictures!

Whoops!  A little slippery!

One of the Greatest Times on My Mission

My past week has been great! Durah was interviewed for
baptism yesterday, so anxiously awaiting that great day this weekend.
John left town for business :) but will be returning shortly,
and he would like us to go and start teaching his wife. The blind girl
didn't come to church Sunday, but we visited her Saturday and she is
so sweet and her faith makes me feel like mine is so small because she
is just so full of it...just believes at any moment her eyes will be
healed and gosh  I wish I had the amazing faith she does.
Of course I know these things are possible, miracles are a result of
faith, I just don't know if its the will of the Lord yet :/

Mangoes are very very can now get 5 for the price of
25 cents, so yeah....too many mangoes, and we usually don't buy them
anymore, people just give us plenty and come home with like 10. We
don't eat chicken very often, but fish is very plentiful from our
investigators and members. I will eat LOTS of chicken when we finally
get power in the apartment so we can have the freezer and maintain
these beloved foods we crave so badly.

I have been cooking a lot recently actually and made pancakes a couple
times this week and the crepes were a huge success. SO GOOD! I was
very pleased, although the only topping I had for them was brown
sugar, I went and bought jam and dark brown sugar and more honey syrup
today...(I prefer your Aunt Jemimah kind momma ;) ) so, I will try
again this week. I also made groundnut cake this week, which is super
yummy and I will certainly make that for everyone when I get home, but
I am still trying to refine my recipe...small small. Africans don't
really do measurements really well so...I'm learning.

And you don't need to get me any jeans haha, I will be fine...I don't
even know what will fit me anymore haha but we will see when I come
home haha but thank you mother dearest. you're so sweet to think about
me...You could get me the ADVENTURE TIME SEASONS though, so I can
enjoy those when I come home :) also...if Dad can send me any music, I
would love some instrumental stuff like...SMOOTH JAZZ, like Kenny G or
something haha...yeah, I'm crazy :) you have the Miracle of Forgiveness?

Has anyone seen the movie the Fantastic Mr. Fox? and does Drake and
Josh still exist? random I know :)

Well...on to my fantastic week: So, Tuesday night Elder Weller and I
were very hungry, so we started cooking some pancakes. When we were
about half way through the 2nd one, the gas ran we were not
happy. So we went outside, put 3 stones in a triangle, lit some grass,
sticks, paper, and plastic on fire and finished cooking our pancakes
:) they had some ashes in them...but were still super yummy! pancakes
will not be defeated, nobody can stop 2 hungry missionaries, no way.
But, the gas problems continued the next day when we got another can,
and then tried to light the stove and the entire room almost exploded,
because the regulator on the hose had broken and so the gas was
EXTREMELY high pressured and pretty much exploded when we lit it
hahaha, so that was fun. Went with senior missionary Elder Schlehuber
into town and went to a couple places before finding a replacement so
we could all enjoy food again :)

So...the real problem of the week...TOO MUCH RICE! We went to teach a
lesson, finished and they gave us a big plate of rice with potatoe
leaf, no problem, I was hungry. On to the next lesson....after it was
done, more potatoe leaf and rice...its okay, next lesson, more rice
and binge! what, I am dying! I went home and ran for 1 hour and a half
ON IN THE INTERNET CAFE, temptation is present in the room! keeps eyes
focused on the computer :) hahaha

The rice problem continued the next day...and I had to tell the
people my tummy hurt (which wasn't entirely a lie) so no rice for me
today...that didn't stop 2 people from forcing me to eat their rice
but still....we were so busy teaching this week it was crazy! hardly a
bounce the whole week, just teach teach teach everyday all day and it
is pretty amazing. This is truly one of the greatest times on my
mission, I haven't felt such a desire and love for the work like this.
It's been there the whole time, but it truly grows every single day,
what a blessing to be in the service of our wonderful God...if the
gospel is true, what else matters? really?

Saw some people making clothes this week with some hand made material
that they beat with giant sticks for hours too make it shine, so that
was pretty funny to watch haha

The Bondu society was on rampage this week...really. They are this
woman society of Sa Lone that is seriously a secret combination where
I believe they are like cannibalistic and ritualistic and crap, but
they came into one of the areas we were teaching the other day, all
banging drums and screaming and everyone who was around went running
into their houses, while some stood to watch, but they were carrying
something on their heads that looked like a body and gosh, it was
freaky as tish, we got out of there QUICK haha, crazy  crazy

The whole apartment decided to break this week, including my beloved
missionaries haha. Elder Weller got malaria, poor guy, Elder Mukwaira
was suffering from severe headaches, Elder Penia was getting sick, ah,
everybody was dying. Then, the bike pump to the water filter broke,
then the generator broke, then the well pump broke, then my heart
broke because I was so overwhelmed with broken things, but they are
all being fixed one step at a time so I won't let the stress rip my
heart out just yet. I will endure cheerfully!:)

That is something I have learned from my amazing mission president and
I am so grateful to him for that. We are not to endure, we are to
endure cheerfully. Anyone can endure. Just suck it up and don't kill
yourself and congratulations you endured mission, or you endured
college, or you endured life. But is that what it's about? I think not.
Enduring is simple, enduring cheerfully is the difficult one, but I am
slowly getting better and better everyday. Enjoying the good times
with a smile, enjoying the slow times with a smile, trying to enjoy
the worst of days with a smile. its not easy, but heck, if it was, I
would already be perfect and have nothing in life to work forward to,
so I am grateful to the Lord for my opportunity now to learn to be
better and endure a whole lot better :)

So, this weekend marked the 52 year of independence for Sierra Leone,
so congratulations to this wonderful country :)

Also, Bo has now established solar powered light poles ALL throughout
the entire town, even in my bush villages, and I saw for the first
time last night that they work! which is super exciting, yay for
improvements, yay for technology!

Yesterday we got to play lots of football since everything was closed
for holiday and we ended up playing a legit organized team, like with
jerseys and everything and they were all like 15-16 but were really
good. We went down 3-0 at first, but I got a goal in and an assist and
by half time it was 3-3. We ended the bloodless game (thank goodness)
4-4 so be proud of we pumwei missionaries, we tried :)

Well...that was my week, so sweet to be serving here in sa lone. I love
this country. I love this people. I love the Lord and everything he
has done for me. I truly am blessed now, blessed when I return home,
blessed in the pre-earth life, and blessed after this life, how could
existence get better then this? take care my family and friends!:)

Elder Sumrak