
Monday, May 27, 2013


Awww so glad to hear that the family had such a great reunion :) glad to know everyone is doing well and is happy and safe. I love the pictures and everyone looks beautiful and adorable and healthy :) thank you so much momma dearest! As far as soccer news just world cup qualifiers would be sweet for the summer time and then just transfer news would be amazing, just so I can know who is going where and how Manchester United is doing :) you have done an amazing year of soccer news for me momma deary, you are a pro :) tankey so much! 

I am feeling okay, actually had a bit of a cold this week...but that is because LIGHT DON COME! that's right, there is electricity in Bo now which is the greatest blessing of the world. Well, it rains a lot now, like 3-5 times during the week hard, but now we have light almost the entire night and usually the evenings when we are home. It is so nice. we have frozen chicken, frozen water now, and my fan is on the entire night, the reason I have a cold :) but, i will trade a good nights sleep for a cold any day! I will actually do it for the next 4-5 months :) haha, YAY! new foods this week... only banana and cream oatmeal! SO good, I almost cried...:) and I sure hope I get to see my mission president one more time before he leaves. I believe and pray I do haha 

Stan sold the truck! what?! that is so crazy! oh Stan. Wow, that yearbook sounds so sweet!:) I can't wait to see it, and I also want to see this senior video haha, so try to hold on to one for me so we can all enjoy one day! Nick is so talented, atta boy! 

So..onto my week...So, something I thought was funny is a typical missionary meal we eat here...which is bread, with sweet milk(condensed milk) on it...I strongly recommend everyone to try it and tell me what you think! 

The most adorable girl in the world...Haja - She is 10 years old and I noticed she had come to church for consecutive weeks, so I began to teach her one day. Well, the time for her baptism finally came this week and gosh was she ready. I asked her how her Book of Mormon reading was going and she took her Book of Mormon out (she can't read yet) and she showed me how she had underlined almost the entire Book of Mormon the words God, Lord, Jesus Christ, and Holy was amazing! She had even done the footnotes and the index! So, I ran to the junction and bought her tons of chocolate and came back and spoiled her like nothing! She is so adorable, she wants to pay her tithing and everything and ah it was great! She came to church all by herself yesterday and was confirmed...beat her momma(adopted momma kinda) and 2 brothers there by like 30 minutes. kushey to Haja! 

Mariama is also another amazing sweetheart! This about wraps her, 18 years old, married, 2 kids, but it is amazing how the atonement and the holy ghost can really change someone's life. She comes to church all by herself with her lil child and we have been trying to teach her how to read and well...small small,  but...she is so sweet and we have tried so hard, and she was also baptized on Saturday and came all by herself ! Kushey to Mariama :) 

Another inspiring individual...Vandi! This small boy is straight outta the bush village and can't even speak krio, only Mendes. They say he is 10, but he looks like he is 8, but he wanted to come to church the other week but his momma wouldn't let him go by he cried the whole day, so we introduced him to the relief society president and her 5-7 kids and they took him to church last week...well, this week, Vandi was there and when I got someone to translate our conversation, I found that he had come all alone. so...he must have snuck out haha and uh well, I must admire his bravery and not sure to chastise his righteous dishonesty, but we will see haha. what an inspiring little boy!:) 

We watched general conference yesterday and it was such a blessing to me, but gosh I pitied everyone else in there. they looked so confused and so lost. Here...the leaders of their church talking to to them and it was as if I had a German who was speaking German to me, they couldn't understand anything. But, I hope they felt the sweet spirit that attended! we watched the first session and I had to entertain Issac and Haja and draw pictures with them and keep them quiet haha, but everyone left when they started the Sunday 2nd session, so literally just me and Elder Flament, the elders quorum, sunday shcool president and branch president, and 1st counselor stayed to watch ahha, oh it was very nice though :) 

Saturday was a fantastic day! We had baptisms and it was awesome. We first went to pick up Issac to take him, and he was ready, but Haja was a small problem. Her momma had sent her to go brook, so we had to go find her with her 2 brothers, and then I grabbed all their 5 gallons and toted them back to the house haha, so got a nice workout in the process. Got her dressed and ready to go and on to pickup Mariama, she was dressed and ready and then it started to rain small, but a silent prayer in my heart calmed the storm that threatened to ruin the occasion and we were blessed with no more rain :) Well more people joined as our entourage made our way through the bush to the baptism, and soon our line of people contained the 3 candidates, 4 children, 2 brothers, and 3 adult investigators haha, so it was a pretty funny scene. The baptism was super great and we combined with New Barracks. I had the amazing privilege of baptizing in the river once again and it was so special. We got Peter, Haja's brother to baptize her and it was so funny, she is just too short haha :) 

Well...everything else is going fine. I love singing every song to Come Thou Fount, which can be quite hilarious, since now the whole apartment does it. So, I dare anyone to try to sing Angels We Have Heard on High to Come Thou Fount, it is my absolute favorite, so I hope you try and enjoy :) haha 

Today was a brutal football game...we played a division 2 team in Bo and didn't go too badly. We only lost 3-5 and we didn't look too bad. I had a great game and got on the score sheet with a penalty kick and then an assist, so great for me...not for my body haha, its dead. 

But, I love mission so much, this is honestly the best 2 years and I love it so very much. Mission is a blessing and I just hope I can give all my time and talents to serving the Lord, my God. Tankey tankey everyone and have a great great week :) 

Elder Jesse Sumrak 

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