
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Let's Bare Our Testimonies!

Hello, hello, dear family and friends! How quickly these weeks seem to
fly by, well golly gee (yeah, I'm tired), haha. Another amazing week
has passed by in Sierra Leone, and my area gets sweeter every day. And
I have a good amount of space in the front yard to do my jogging
mother dearest, I can do like 20 -30 yard sprints, and Elder Woodhead
usually gyms in the morning, but just me and him mostly. The others
just relax haha, but every night Elder Hovley and I do yoga for like 45
minutes now, which is great. I am becoming a lot more flexible and
getting some good endurance in some areas I was lacking before, like
balance! haha, but small small.

New missionaries came to Sierra Leone but none came to Bo 
except 1, so I have NO IDEA
what is going on in Freetown because we only received one here in Bo
and Kenema, which means that 10 went to Freetown haha, but, I guess
there are lots of new areas popping up, but I wonder if my picking is
training! that would make me a grandpa!:) oh posterity.

The Schlehubers don't live far at all. They are actually in my
 and my companion's area, and we pass their house every day, which is
very convenient since I am always having to go and gather more tracs
and Book of Mormons and stuff for the district, and they usually treat
us to cold water and if we're lucky home made cookies...oh the spoiling
is too much to handle sometimes, just got to stay away!

But, don't you worry about the phone call, we will get everything
sorted out and I will make sure the batteries are all charged on the
phone, I can just take them to the street and have them charged during
the day for just a small fund, so no problem. But, on Sunday I will
still have to do interviews for the Elders and report numbers and what
not, so I will try to be home a little early, maybe around 3 or so my
time, so I can call you guys, but I will try my best and I know my
companion will want to call as well so whichever time works best...but, I
guess I could call anytime between like 3-9 haha :) that doesn't help
much does it mother, you have church though don't you....hmmm...

And that is so sweet the sisters are staying with you guys! I know
they are going to really enjoy that and you will enjoy the sweet
spirit that enters your home from 2 people whose only purpose is to
have the spirit with them haha, :) I know they will benefit from your
sweet spirit as well family.

That is so awesome that you got all that Adventure Time stuff momma, I
am super excited to enjoy that when I get home. and I am definitely
going to try making those tortillas momma bear, haha I am trying to be
a good chef so hopefully you will be proud of me :)

But, on to my week...

So, tried something new and tasty this week...corn flour with sugar!
They were selling it in these little tie tie bags and I wanted
something cheap so I got some and gosh it is rather yummy! so, there I
am just walking down the street sucking on a bag of corn flour and, how pathetic am I? I know I'm awesome :)

Had an exchange with Elder Penia this week which was great. Crazy
Samoan haha, but I love the heck out of that Elder, even if he is a
bit insane, or actually a lot insane haha, but a lovable guy,
nonetheless. We went to one of his recent converts house to teach one
woman there who is an investigator, upon arriving, the mother of the
family was very upset because we had not informed her we were coming
and she had not cooked anything, I told her its okay, we come for her
and her family, not the food...oh, so while we were teaching the
investigator for 15 minutes, she whipped up a bunch of fried
plantaines, sent the children to buy bread and drinks, so by the time
we prayed and were about to head on our way, she was calling us over
that she had food haha, oh what a sweet sweet woman :) :) :) We had
friend plantaine sandwiches with flavored water inside wine glasses
haha, so good!

Also, random question, could you send my hot dog king story to me
mother in the next package? no emergency, but the other elders want to
read it :) you can find it on my facebook under my notes. TANKEY

BAPTISM SATURDAY! so great, we had a combined service with the 2 New
Barracks companion ships on Saturday, so 6 Elders with 5 baptisms and
it was awesome. Elder Flament and I went to both of our candidates
houses, so we could show them to
the Branch Presidents house where we would be having the service. It
was awesome! We all trooped on back to the riverside and it was a
super spiritual and beautiful experience. I had the sweet blessing of
baptizing Dura and it was just perfect...the baptism went great, and
while I was watching the other baptisms, he changed and came up behind
me and tapped me on the shoulder and was like "Elder Sumrak, I feel
like I'm already in heaven." and it just touched my heart so much to
see this boy who has absolutely nothing to make this covenant with our
loving Heavenly Father. He is such a great guy and I love him so much,
I am trying to get him super involved in the church and everything
and get him to go teaching with us. All he wants is to go to the
temple and do his family history work and go on a mission for God. He
is such an unselfish boy, and he is only 17...ah, he inspires me to be

But, after the sweet river baptisms, the 6 of us elders all made our
way into town to celebrate. It was a very special day for me...
So, we all went to Sabs to go and get giant hamburgers and just enjoy
after a hard weeks work, which was very nice. I got a big ole eggburger
and some fries and filled my belly up, ah, so yummy. It was a great
time with the guys, then back to our area to squeeze in some lessons
before the close of the great day.

Yesterday was fast Sunday, which I love! I love fast Sunday lots, but
I'm not going to lie and say its easy when you have to go to every
persons area to do interviews on an empty tummy, but the Lord truly
blesses us and gives us strength, so I can't complain and I honestly
wouldn't have it any other way. We are told that its wise to drink
water under our circumstances still...but, I just don't feel like its
a legit fast so I don't do it :) the Lord will help me :) Journal

Then, we all finished the day by cooking as a district. We made a
great tomato stew by throwing in everything that we could think of,
tomato paste, curry, pepay, onions, garlic, spam, and tons of crazy
other stuff, and it turned into a really yummy stew, that we enjoyed
with a pasta, and some garlic bread...oh, apartment unity :)

Today, played some football, super tired and sore but yeah, life is
great! love mission, love Bo, love Sierra Leone, love this new cafe
that is a lot quicker and cheaper. life is great. I know that this
gospel is true and I love it so much. Spiritual thought for the day, I
was studying this week about bearing our testimony, and came across
some sweet scriptures in Doctrine and Covenants that talk about how
when we bare our testimony, our sins are forgiven us, and I thought
that was pretty sweet! so, let us all go out and bare our testimony, I
love you all so much, let's lift up all the weak hands and knees and
give them the support they need. Take care family and friends! The
Lord loves you :)

Elder Jesse Sumrak

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