
Monday, November 25, 2013

New Companion!

Hello my dear family and friends! What a great week has transpired and how many more great weeks are yet to come! This was Elder Rogers and I's last week together, and boy was it a good one. teaching families, making Kanya, and just getting work done. Interviews for all the missionaries did get in the way a little bit, actually every single day this week 1-2 hours were cut doing interviews, but its worth it since that is our ultimate goal and desire right? baptism, and true conversion, so I am happy to play my part :) 

An eye doctor came on Saturday to the baptism, we were there to watch S. be baptized, an older man who Elder Labrum and I found and taught together, so I wanted to be present for his baptism. The doctor told me that I had an iritis? or something like that? and told me that if it continues it could be a problem but he gave me some steroids to put in my eyes to fix em all up so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

I am trying to think of what else has happened this week but everything is really just blurred by the transfer news and how busy I have been today...and even more blurred by how busy I am going to be tomorrow and the rest of the week and next weeks to come hahaha but, it is exciting, although I will miss my boy Elder Rogers. We truly had a great companionship together and I hope I can be at that guys homecoming, he is a forever friend and companion. 

Well, I got the flu on Wednesday and muscled through it, felt great Thursday, just to rebound on Friday with the WORST headache of my life which had me bent down to my knees quite literally, rather humbling huh? but, I called Sister Ostler and she said  a wicked flu was spreading across Freetown and many missionaries had symptoms as me, but I dropped some medicine and the fever reduced and I have been feeling a little weak since, but a lot better, that's for sure.  

Friday, we waited patiently for our transfers news, then during my follow calls with Elder Hill he told me it would come the next we were patient yet again. 

Saturday was super busy and we were running around everywhere teaching our families, I kinda knew I would not spend 5 transfers in Belliar Park so I went everywhere saying goodbye, which was fun and sad, but in the end it turned out okay. Our last appointment was with our family of children and unbaptized mother and she was so upset because she hadn't had time to cook for us or make the dessert she wanted and was begging us to forgive her and we were just like its okay its okay! we come here for you! not food, but she wouldn't take that, so she gave us a huge bowl of rice, I guess cutting from the whole family, which I didn't want her to do, but the way she looked at me I knew if I refused I might end up with her cooking knife in my chest, so we gladly ate :) hahaha. The family then sat down all in the parlor, with friends included and everyone, and we were about to start with a prayer when the phone buzzed...Assistants... 

"Na Elder Sumrak" 
"Hey Elder Sumrak, this is Elder Wooton, man have you gotten us that dishsoap yet?" 
"Man, you know how busy I have been running around doing your interviews and what not, when do you think I found time to get your dish soap?!" 
"I was just letting you know because you need some..." 
"Listen, if you really need it Elder Wooton, just go buy some and get a receipt and Ill refund you tomorrow." 
"Well, you are going to need it Elder Sumrak, because its your dishes now..." 
"You okay?" 

Elder Rogers "Are you crying!?" 
*hang up the phone* 
"So, who is going to pray?" 

So, I got called as the assistant, which is an awesome blessing and I am super excited to be working with my MTC buddy Elder Nwosu, a 6 foot 3 Nigerian man who is hard working and awesome! We are working super hard and have been all morning trying to get all the beds and money and nets and pills and everything prepared for tomorrow because the 20 new missionaries are coming, but I'm super excited because I get to go back on the ferry tomorrow to go pick up the new missionaries at the airport and then orientation on Wednesday, then finally might get to hit the area on Thursday. Its funny because I have been on all 3 mountains in Freetown west really. I started on Mt. Aureol, went South to Belliar Park, crossed the valley now to Dwarzak, but the ward is awesome and I'm so excited to work with president, the couples, and everyone in helping the Lord's marvelous work to move forward! I love this gospel and its definitely a different side of the work that I never envied, that's for sure, its funny because Elder Rogers and I were in the AP's apartment to get something on Saturday and I saw their chore list and was, I sure hope I'm never an AP....haha but, somebody has to do it. And, I'm ready to labor and do whatever the Lord asks me to get this great work done. These leaders and couples are so sweet and I'm excited to work with them. 

It is nice though that our apartment has AC and a water heater and what not...but, boy it makes me feel like I'm not in Sa Lone anymore sometimes hahaha where is my suffering?! I'm supposed to be suffering! 

Not much going on really, I have been stuck in this compound all day, but transfer time is always hectic time, so I am really excited to finally get to the area because we have such a strong ward that does such a great job of fellow shipping and even home teaching/ etc. so its going to be so much work and so much fun and I have so much to learn and so many ways to grow, I feel just like a lost lil puppy again, but you do your first time on mission, first time taking over, training, 2nd area, senior companion, district leader, being an assistant, but you fall down make some mistakes, get back up and keep going and by the end of the 2nd week you are just doing it like you've been doing it for months haha, but...I hope I have more to write about next week, more adventures, more families, more friends, more missionaries, more miracles...It was hard to say goodbye to my ward yesterday...but, then again, we meet in the same building, so I guess I'll see them next week ;) I truly love our lord and savior Jesus Christ, for I have seen how he has changed so many lives, just in the past week alone. Watching grown men change their whole lives around, just because the spirit has touched their heart. It's real...It is so real and please always remember Heavenly Father LOVES you. He loves you so so much. he loves us all. He WANTS to bless you, just ask, be obedient, be diligent, and he will help you. I can hardly function a day much less a week without his steady and guiding influence of the holy spirit in my life...We are all truly blessed with this gift :) I only fear that everything I do everyday is what keeps the holy ghost so strongly in my life, and fear that one day life takes over and that it won't be as strong...but, I know if I remain diligent that that guiding influence will ALWAYS be with me...I love you all...have an amazing week!. 

Elder Jesse Sumrak 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Land of Miracles

Mother! so great to hear from you and if you don't mind I would LOVE
to hear some of those poems and stories of mine that you 
found if you have time :) haha and
wonderful creations this frozen popo...uh I made sour sop
pancakes with jam and vanilla flavoring last night, but that's about
it on my creative scale this week ;) and no district leaders do not
usually cook, but I just do it because I love these guys and I know
how tired they can get of rice...if they are anything like me!

And YES!  the boy who missed his baptism last week DID
come this week :) and it was another great family baptism! We had 
the 4 children of this sweet woman who were baptized this Saturday, and
she even came to watch (which is a big deal here might I add) as well
as A. came to watch his son :) So 5 family confirmations
on Sunday and gosh it was just a magical Sunday. 4 families were
re-united/united in church due to the Lord's magnificent hand and his
abundance of truly was amazing :)

And no...I don't teach many young men at all anymore. My teaching pool
is mostly 30-60 year old men with wives and children. That is mostly
our focus. Get the man, you get the family, so we are doing our best
here :) teach some mothers...but unfortunately the man has control, so
we mostly go for the man of the house now!

and about the little girl...yeah, it really was heartbreaking but she
is doing better! we saw her the other day and her leg really is
reducing in we will keep praying for her :)

Quote of the week "Breastfeeding while riding on bike? Most impressive..."

by the way, Elder Donaldson, a missionary friend
from here just returned and is now Rebecca's home teacher!? weird huh?

I love this work and I want to do my very best and finish strong, no

hahaha oh mother, you are hilarious! starting trouble in church, good
thing father isn't there to stare you down :) how is it finally
sitting with him again?! sure has been a while huh?

and Elder Rogers and I scared a boy SOOOO bad this week...he was just
standing there and we both just walked up to him like 1 foot away and
stared down at him emotionless, not a smile, not a frown, and for like
5 seconds, and then he just went crazy screaming bloody murder and
starting clinging to my leg, and jumping around literally in circles,
I was afraid he might throw himself from the cliff we were on hahaha!
oh it was good :)

girls chasing me...nah, not here, though there are a couple who still
propose to me on occasion...that's always awkward.

Well...We got to play some football today and it was pretty awesome!
no lie, I was just feeling so naturally on the ball, and I just ran
around with no sub for pretty much 2 hours straight, and now I'm
exhausted but gosh did it feel good :) Got a little bloody of course,
but can I play football without? then, we went into town and got us
some big ole hamburgers...then the Lebanese man I was sitting with got
up and left...half his roasted naturally I just finished
it for him, and even the other elders had to laugh at that...they were
like uh, is that yours? I was like um no but it was just sitting there
and we can't waste that legal in america? because I might do
it when I get home :) maybe I'm just cheap...

But we had a great and inspiring zone conference this week that just
got us even more pumped up to go out and do the work and we just had a
great time! we just went the extra mile everyday with planning and
studies and ending our proselyting and the Lord truly blessed us with
an abundance of miracles. So many new investigators and the church was
filled up with investigators who we had only contacted on the street
haha so it was so neat to see the Lord bless us, but who knows where I
could be heading next week...Will I stay and finish Elder Rogers
training? Or will I go?! DUH DUH DUH! Whatever problem :)

Elder Jesse Sumrak

Mom here:  Here are some other tidbits that Elder Sumrak shared with me:

One part of your letter last week struck me.
That part is when you walked by the one man whom you had walked by for
months and this time you stopped to teach him and he said "my time has
come.:"  gosh, that gets me every time.  We take so much for granted and
that simple phrase is so powerful - my time has come.  I love your
mission - it is so inspiring to me! 

awww mother :) and what's even more inspiring and I know that the Lord
is watching us, and share this with  father as well. But, on Saturday
that same man told us at the end of the lesson..."Elders, I had
already made a decision that day, that if you didn't come and talk to
me, I was going to ask you to come and talk to me...." how amazing is
that mother?! that very same day!? and he brought his wife and 2 kids
to church on Sunday. oh mother we are so blessed here and the Lord's
work is moving forward. Honestly, there are powers at work now during
this harvest that are unprecedented...its not me...its not Elder
Rogers...It is truly the Holy Ghost, and at times when taking the
sacrament, I swear the veil is so thin I might just ascend haha....I
am so blessed. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ...I love life

Oh momma, yes its coming to dry season so I sweat everyday...a lot.
and I'm doing great! played some awesome football today so I'm nice and
happy :) and wow, my shoes are holding up okay, I got a man to sew
them back together for me, so they will hold up :) 

Who knows where I will be, I would like to still be here with my boys, but
we will see what happens...I only have 5 transfers left...and to put
it in perspective, I had been here for 4 transfers in Belliar
Park...isn't that crazy mother! I'm in the oldest 10 missionaries in
blessed...Can't wait until after Thanksgiving...CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!:)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Mountain

So, another great week here in Sierra Leone, with lots of excitement, 
miracles, disappointments, and exhaustion! But, it sure is sweet! 
First, On Thursday I volunteered our services with our 1st counselor 
in the bishopric because he said he would be transferring his house, 
so we offered to help out. Well, we showed up after our weekly 
planning around 1 PM…and 

 well, I want you to fathom this, but I’m not sure I could put it in 
the right words for anyone to fully explain the brutal experience that 
we had. We arrived and helped to clear off some furniture and dust and 
what not, which created a surprisingly great dust cloud…then we got to 
work hauling up our chosen instrument of torture to the destination. I 
imagined it might be far, maybe across the river or up the hill or 
something…but, what would come next I never would imagine. We hiked 
STRAIGHT up the mountain, I want you to imagine a staircase, and then 
take away the stairs, and add rocks and dirt, then imagine me with a 
couch on top of my head, then imagine a 35 minute walk with it on my 
head, then imagine we drenched to the bone in sweat! My gosh, it was 
horrible, and when we arrived all we could do was stare down the path 
and the bush and rivers we crossed and just laugh and laugh…and then 
cry, we said we would  be going to go get the next load. Which was 
a giant couch, that Elder Roger's and I both put on our heads and 
fought our way up the mountain again and then down…all in all 2 trips, 
and 2 and half hours of work haha we were filthy! Everyone was like, 
ah why is the white man so dirty? Whatti happen white man? I really wanted to 
yell at them but, I'm much more humble and charitable than 
that of course :) They rewarded our efforts with a big bowl of cassava 
leaf which we were both too dehydrated and water depleted to even taste 
or enjoy, but it’s the thought that counts right? 
The baptism this Saturday was amazingly awesome and depressing. Of 
course, A. and his sweet wife were there on 
time for their baptism, my first family, and…well, their son had a 
test that morning and was supposed to meet them there, but he showed 
up about 2 hours later…but, no problem, even though it really bummed 
me out to baptize them without their son, they requested he just do it 
next week. Well, A. is not a small man, and when I went to 
baptize him he did some weird like fetal position thing and threw us 
both back into the water almost hitting our heads against the wall 
hahahaha well now its not entirely funny yet, but  probably
in a couple of weeks I will laugh my head off 
hahaha :) oh mission, why can’t you be simple? But, no problem, in the 
end, they both were baptized and both were confirmed on Sunday and 
both even got up and bore their testimonies during testimony meeting, 
so it was beautiful and awesome and we have a big ole family this 
weekend as well, momma and children and the small boy will join them 
as well. Exciting work going on here, we are trying our best :) 
I was a cooking champ this week and cooked for my whole apartment 
on various nights. Last Tuesday I made French toast for everyone, 
which was really good, although I used up the rest of my syrup so we 
just dipped it in sugar and it was yummy! Then, on Wednesday I made an 
ebba and tomatoe stew which was pretty delicious. Then on Friday night 
I made spaghetti for everyone, and then last night I made my pumpkin 
flavored pancakes, and making pancakes for 4 people takes a long 
time…so kushay to all the mothers out there who cook for their 
children, because I sure have felt like a mother this week cooking for 
these kids. Also, feel like a mother when they  pile the 
dishes in the kitchen and make a mess and just dump trash everywhere 
and then track their grimy lil feet around the apartment and then…for 
some reason I clean it all. Not sure why, or why I even feel so 
inclined, but whatever I do it because I love them or something like 
that. I sure do appreciate you though my sweet mother and I feel like 
a lil tish for making your life so hectic throughout my development, 
thank goodness it only took me 21 years to finally get some sense, 
just know I'll be a lot better when I get home :) 
Today was SUPER P DAY! So, we all got up and got transport over to 
Lumley beach to have our awesome zone p day, and our zone is massive! 
We have like 5 districts with 32 members so it is by far the biggest 
zone by like 2x in the mission haha, but we played football, took 
pictures, volleyball, rugby, had lunch, and just relaxed and had a 
good time. Its weird because my MTC is going home in 2 weeks, Sister 
Atigobe, wow, makes me feel old and gives me a certain sense of 
urgency, so its game time! Les do dis! But, it was fun, especially 
since I have 3 of my *children there, Elder Dancan, Elder Labrum, 
Elder Rogers, and my grandchild Elder Eshun and my other adopted 
grandchild Elder Koopmans :) so that was a lot of fun and the football 
was a good time, until my shoes tore…but, no problem, I'll get those 
fixed by some guy on the street or something. I can sew shirts and 
what not now, just need to learn to sew shoes…how hard could it be?? 
At our district meeting on Tuesday we set a district goal that each 
companionship would contact 50 people this week, and for other missions 
that might not be much, I don’t know, but for us it’s a lot haha, but 
we went out and did our best and  think we got like 30 which was 
sweet. We had one guy we contacted who we always greet on this one 
road, and he was like Wow, my time has come! I know that you have felt 
something that inspired you to talk to me today! Well, when we went to 
see him the next day, he confessed that he had desperately been 
searching for a church, but his wife told him to be patient, and that 
an opportunity would come soon, so we were what he was looking for :) 
and he wants him and his children and wife to be baptized, so he came 
this Sunday to scout it out and loved it, so we are super excited for 
him and our faith in finding has increased considerably. The Lord is 
truly preparing his children to receive this message everywhere, and 
often times its those people right in front of us who we never thought 
would ever be interested. Same thing with S., who Elder 
Labrum finished his teaching, contacted him one day after passing him 
for 3 months walking past, felt inspired to talk to him, hasn’t missed 
church since :) sweet things are going down for sure, and A. is 
going to be called as Assistant ward mission leader on Sunday, so 
things are looking up up up! 
Well, the other night we had interviews with President Ostler and 
didn't get out until 7:00 due to the line, and we had an appointment 
with the Simbo family at 6…and she was freaking out calling us saying 
ah, the food is here, don’t you bounce us, you better come…so with 
headlamps prepared, we strapped up and made our way UP the mountain in 
the pitch black, just hoping not to die, and arrived to a GIANT dish 
of groundnut soup, boku crabs, fish, chicken, beef and the lot, which 
was great…then, we sat down with the family and we all made ginger 
beer together so I could learn how to make it and It was sweet, she 
ended up giving us a gallon to take home, but geeze, the humility and 
charity and generosity of these people is so incredible, words can’t 
describe, as this family LOVES ginger beer, and everyone chips in to 
make it, and then they give us the entire gallon, and end up drinking 
like half a cup each…I was like here here take some more and they all 
say NO NO! its for you, enjoy enjoy…and ugh I feel so helpless…these 
people are just so incredibly sweet…I love them all. 
Well…yep, that’s the excitement for the week. 
My poem a day continues about football at least, those are pretty good 
psalms you know. I heard Manchester United beat Arsenal 
yesterday…well, actually from all the yelling it would have been hard 
NOT to hear that they won, but kushey kushey to them, keep it up boys 
in red! 

So, to answer some of your questions momma, my health is great...ish 
:) and I did have a uh hard week but sweet of course! and the shell on that crab 
was sofi kinda but definitely still had a crunch to it haha :) I 
kinda want to go home and just go catch crabs and boil them up quick 
and eat em :) I guess I got to cut out some stuff or something? I 
don't know haha seemed simple enough, but I'm so naive. 

Oh...and the children! 
Yes, they attack, they attack with their dirty little hands haha but 
they are just precious and we love them and usually are just doing 
spin moves on the street dodging em and running away from them ahhaha, 
my favorite is go in for the high five, dodge it and give em a slap on 
the back of the head :) gets them laughing at least haha. and avoids 
me catching cholera ;) 
They have the attack pose is where they just start sprinting at you 
and drive head first right into the place you shouldn't haha, It's not 
a coincidence anymore! but, we work the same way, if we ever approach 
or start to run at them they SCREAM and RUN and their parents will 
yell and pull them towards us while they scream bloody murder. "COM na 
ere, de white man go carry you go! He go carry you go!" 

and sometimes the primary does a program, but it depends on the ward. 
haven't seen anything here :/ but i did in Mt Aureol and Messima and 
it was about as organized and crazy and cute as back home :) still 
didn't know the songs, got the stubborn kids up there because their
parents tell em to, then you got the beautiful children like Quinn 
just singing their heart out :) 

I love you all so much:) Have a blessed 
Elder Sumrak 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fasting is a Blessing

My eyes are doing great and perfect and I'm so grateful for
the fasting and prayers because I know that they truly worked, thank
you so much, for my eyes are almost even better then they were before
haha, so God is truly watching out over me, and thank you for
assisting :)  I am truly
doing well and happy and I know its not a coincidence. Maybe I will
continue to fast every Sunday if I can keep this happiness level haha,
because life is truly great right now, and I am loving the mission,
area, companion, district, everything!

And ENDERS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT? I forgot about it! I'm so jealous!

Wow, so much craziness going on back home, and so sad that I won't see
Clayton and Tori and Rachel for such a longtime, but I'm so proud of
all them! and Katie and Drew coming back from their missions is so insane,
it never really feels like its going to end for me haha but I guess that's a
good thing ...I hope :)

Well....some of the craziness this week! well, Tuesday we went to
F. house for a giant meal, which was FUFU with bitterleaf with the
hottest pepay inside to this day on mission haha, Elder Rogers and I
were in tears as we ate laughing and crying and rubbing our faces with
the condensation on the Vimto bottles haha, they spoiled us so much!
both had a vimto, opened the plasauce pot to find bitter leaf, with
cowskin, crab, chicken feet, and fish! What, are we the king of Sa
lone or something?! it was so good, We ate the whole chicken foot,
bones and all, and I ATTACKED the crab. It was the first crab of my
life, and I didn't know how to eat I just ate all haha
I do not like fufu though haha its like eating Playdough
or something. but Thursday she made us the same thing except with
toulah and rice, and it was sooooo good, we are so spoiled in that
house oh what a sweet sweet family :), the hardship of the week, we came to the chapel Friday
evening to meet with bishop and I glimpsed someone white and next
thing you know "What the white chick is going on here?!" which had
Elder Rogers and I in tears, but there was this pale British 21 year
old girl smoking a cigarette outside the chapel, so I tried my best
to give her a chance at the gospel..."I don't believe in God"...she
said. um....excuse me? Sorry I haven't heard that statement except
from Korihor for the past 16 months. could you repeat that? I didn't
know what to do...I had never taught an atheist, so I uh, invited her
to church and then went and sat in bishops office to wait...well, she
came inside to sit down and talk to us and I was like ah, leave I
don't know what to say to you!!!! but, as a representative of Jesus
Christ,I did my best, and bore my testimony of conversion, asked her
about her beliefs, and then the comedy of our weekend which the
missionaries are still laughing about haha, only because they love

Me: This is the Book of Mormon, the Book that changed my life. (taking
out the book)
Flair (the british chick): oh, I have plenty of books I came with like 20
Me: (never being rejected before in my life by the way) uh, how about 21? :)
Flair: No thats okay, really.
Me:...It's free....
Flair: (ultimate shut down) if you gave it to me I honestly would
never read it... this what it feels like to really be rejected,
because its a first time for me. Other missionaries, you may laugh,
but this is new to me :( but we had a great laugh about it later and I
know she will be baptized one day :)

But, I truly know that this gospel is true and will bless all the
lives of those who accept it. Jesus Christ really is our savior! It's
not a story. When you close your eyes and talk to that person you
can't see, there is a man named Heavenly Father, God of the universe,
who is actually listening. Sounds crazy, huh? you bet it does! Hard to
believe? Sure! Do I belive it?  I would die for it. isn't that crazy?
I would die for someone I've never met (with my temporal knowledge)
never seen, or talked to face to face. yet i'd give my life in a
heartbeat, and already have in fact, and will continue to do so. I am
a representative of Jesus Christ. I love God, his son, and the holy
spirit, and I know they all love me. Just a small testimony that
occured to me during my atheist experience afterthoughts.

So, we have had quite the experience with trying to get beds in our
apartment...showed up 3 weeks ago, 4 beds, 6 elders. eventually got it
okay, got 1 bunk bed, 4 beds, everyone taken care of, but our room was
too small to study and have beds, so  I requested bunks. 3 weeks
later...they arrive, we set them up, they had forgotten the base supports
for the bottom mattress. we sleep in the parlor on mattresses. 4 days
later, they bring the parts , wrong parts, still sleeping on mattress
on the floor in the parlor, with nice lil nets over em haha, and last
night a random torrential storm came, blew up the windows, and I was
so lazy in bed just threw the sheet over my head while I was getting
soaked haha after about 15 minutes and quite wet I finally got up to
close them hahaha oh life in sa lone is fun :)

Did a TON of contacting this week which is fun. I love contacting with
a Book of Mormon in my hands because I love talking to everyone about

S., my branch mission leader and best friend in Bo, came and
visited this weekend and came to church on Sunday. The poor guy is
having the hardest time going on mission and was coming to finalize
his passport but with all his family dead and nobody to help him, its
very hard, I did my best to help him and he just texted me that he
arrived safely in Bo...Please keep him in your prayers, he is trying
so hard to serve the Lord :)

So, Elder Rogers, my awesome companion, we have had such a great week
this week. We have had some hard days and bouncy days and trying
experiences, and already 2 fast days together, and man we are having a
great time though. Whenever we get down, we start teaching or
contacting using movie lines or song lines, it really lightens the
mood and keeps us going in the heat and what not. "I got a feeling,
that you have never read this book before." "Why so serious?" "Want to
see a magic trick." "Look at me now." oh, we have a great time with
many more :) I love my companion, he is a great friend :)

Well, I leave una wit me testimony dat I no se God dey en he lov we
boku boku!!! Take care my friends and family and my beloved future
missionaries and now current missionaries. Rachel I'm so proud of you,
kushey kushey :) love you all!

Elder Jesse Sumrak