
Monday, November 4, 2013

Fasting is a Blessing

My eyes are doing great and perfect and I'm so grateful for
the fasting and prayers because I know that they truly worked, thank
you so much, for my eyes are almost even better then they were before
haha, so God is truly watching out over me, and thank you for
assisting :)  I am truly
doing well and happy and I know its not a coincidence. Maybe I will
continue to fast every Sunday if I can keep this happiness level haha,
because life is truly great right now, and I am loving the mission,
area, companion, district, everything!

And ENDERS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT? I forgot about it! I'm so jealous!

Wow, so much craziness going on back home, and so sad that I won't see
Clayton and Tori and Rachel for such a longtime, but I'm so proud of
all them! and Katie and Drew coming back from their missions is so insane,
it never really feels like its going to end for me haha but I guess that's a
good thing ...I hope :)

Well....some of the craziness this week! well, Tuesday we went to
F. house for a giant meal, which was FUFU with bitterleaf with the
hottest pepay inside to this day on mission haha, Elder Rogers and I
were in tears as we ate laughing and crying and rubbing our faces with
the condensation on the Vimto bottles haha, they spoiled us so much!
both had a vimto, opened the plasauce pot to find bitter leaf, with
cowskin, crab, chicken feet, and fish! What, are we the king of Sa
lone or something?! it was so good, We ate the whole chicken foot,
bones and all, and I ATTACKED the crab. It was the first crab of my
life, and I didn't know how to eat I just ate all haha
I do not like fufu though haha its like eating Playdough
or something. but Thursday she made us the same thing except with
toulah and rice, and it was sooooo good, we are so spoiled in that
house oh what a sweet sweet family :), the hardship of the week, we came to the chapel Friday
evening to meet with bishop and I glimpsed someone white and next
thing you know "What the white chick is going on here?!" which had
Elder Rogers and I in tears, but there was this pale British 21 year
old girl smoking a cigarette outside the chapel, so I tried my best
to give her a chance at the gospel..."I don't believe in God"...she
said. um....excuse me? Sorry I haven't heard that statement except
from Korihor for the past 16 months. could you repeat that? I didn't
know what to do...I had never taught an atheist, so I uh, invited her
to church and then went and sat in bishops office to wait...well, she
came inside to sit down and talk to us and I was like ah, leave I
don't know what to say to you!!!! but, as a representative of Jesus
Christ,I did my best, and bore my testimony of conversion, asked her
about her beliefs, and then the comedy of our weekend which the
missionaries are still laughing about haha, only because they love

Me: This is the Book of Mormon, the Book that changed my life. (taking
out the book)
Flair (the british chick): oh, I have plenty of books I came with like 20
Me: (never being rejected before in my life by the way) uh, how about 21? :)
Flair: No thats okay, really.
Me:...It's free....
Flair: (ultimate shut down) if you gave it to me I honestly would
never read it... this what it feels like to really be rejected,
because its a first time for me. Other missionaries, you may laugh,
but this is new to me :( but we had a great laugh about it later and I
know she will be baptized one day :)

But, I truly know that this gospel is true and will bless all the
lives of those who accept it. Jesus Christ really is our savior! It's
not a story. When you close your eyes and talk to that person you
can't see, there is a man named Heavenly Father, God of the universe,
who is actually listening. Sounds crazy, huh? you bet it does! Hard to
believe? Sure! Do I belive it?  I would die for it. isn't that crazy?
I would die for someone I've never met (with my temporal knowledge)
never seen, or talked to face to face. yet i'd give my life in a
heartbeat, and already have in fact, and will continue to do so. I am
a representative of Jesus Christ. I love God, his son, and the holy
spirit, and I know they all love me. Just a small testimony that
occured to me during my atheist experience afterthoughts.

So, we have had quite the experience with trying to get beds in our
apartment...showed up 3 weeks ago, 4 beds, 6 elders. eventually got it
okay, got 1 bunk bed, 4 beds, everyone taken care of, but our room was
too small to study and have beds, so  I requested bunks. 3 weeks
later...they arrive, we set them up, they had forgotten the base supports
for the bottom mattress. we sleep in the parlor on mattresses. 4 days
later, they bring the parts , wrong parts, still sleeping on mattress
on the floor in the parlor, with nice lil nets over em haha, and last
night a random torrential storm came, blew up the windows, and I was
so lazy in bed just threw the sheet over my head while I was getting
soaked haha after about 15 minutes and quite wet I finally got up to
close them hahaha oh life in sa lone is fun :)

Did a TON of contacting this week which is fun. I love contacting with
a Book of Mormon in my hands because I love talking to everyone about

S., my branch mission leader and best friend in Bo, came and
visited this weekend and came to church on Sunday. The poor guy is
having the hardest time going on mission and was coming to finalize
his passport but with all his family dead and nobody to help him, its
very hard, I did my best to help him and he just texted me that he
arrived safely in Bo...Please keep him in your prayers, he is trying
so hard to serve the Lord :)

So, Elder Rogers, my awesome companion, we have had such a great week
this week. We have had some hard days and bouncy days and trying
experiences, and already 2 fast days together, and man we are having a
great time though. Whenever we get down, we start teaching or
contacting using movie lines or song lines, it really lightens the
mood and keeps us going in the heat and what not. "I got a feeling,
that you have never read this book before." "Why so serious?" "Want to
see a magic trick." "Look at me now." oh, we have a great time with
many more :) I love my companion, he is a great friend :)

Well, I leave una wit me testimony dat I no se God dey en he lov we
boku boku!!! Take care my friends and family and my beloved future
missionaries and now current missionaries. Rachel I'm so proud of you,
kushey kushey :) love you all!

Elder Jesse Sumrak

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