
Monday, November 25, 2013

New Companion!

Hello my dear family and friends! What a great week has transpired and how many more great weeks are yet to come! This was Elder Rogers and I's last week together, and boy was it a good one. teaching families, making Kanya, and just getting work done. Interviews for all the missionaries did get in the way a little bit, actually every single day this week 1-2 hours were cut doing interviews, but its worth it since that is our ultimate goal and desire right? baptism, and true conversion, so I am happy to play my part :) 

An eye doctor came on Saturday to the baptism, we were there to watch S. be baptized, an older man who Elder Labrum and I found and taught together, so I wanted to be present for his baptism. The doctor told me that I had an iritis? or something like that? and told me that if it continues it could be a problem but he gave me some steroids to put in my eyes to fix em all up so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

I am trying to think of what else has happened this week but everything is really just blurred by the transfer news and how busy I have been today...and even more blurred by how busy I am going to be tomorrow and the rest of the week and next weeks to come hahaha but, it is exciting, although I will miss my boy Elder Rogers. We truly had a great companionship together and I hope I can be at that guys homecoming, he is a forever friend and companion. 

Well, I got the flu on Wednesday and muscled through it, felt great Thursday, just to rebound on Friday with the WORST headache of my life which had me bent down to my knees quite literally, rather humbling huh? but, I called Sister Ostler and she said  a wicked flu was spreading across Freetown and many missionaries had symptoms as me, but I dropped some medicine and the fever reduced and I have been feeling a little weak since, but a lot better, that's for sure.  

Friday, we waited patiently for our transfers news, then during my follow calls with Elder Hill he told me it would come the next we were patient yet again. 

Saturday was super busy and we were running around everywhere teaching our families, I kinda knew I would not spend 5 transfers in Belliar Park so I went everywhere saying goodbye, which was fun and sad, but in the end it turned out okay. Our last appointment was with our family of children and unbaptized mother and she was so upset because she hadn't had time to cook for us or make the dessert she wanted and was begging us to forgive her and we were just like its okay its okay! we come here for you! not food, but she wouldn't take that, so she gave us a huge bowl of rice, I guess cutting from the whole family, which I didn't want her to do, but the way she looked at me I knew if I refused I might end up with her cooking knife in my chest, so we gladly ate :) hahaha. The family then sat down all in the parlor, with friends included and everyone, and we were about to start with a prayer when the phone buzzed...Assistants... 

"Na Elder Sumrak" 
"Hey Elder Sumrak, this is Elder Wooton, man have you gotten us that dishsoap yet?" 
"Man, you know how busy I have been running around doing your interviews and what not, when do you think I found time to get your dish soap?!" 
"I was just letting you know because you need some..." 
"Listen, if you really need it Elder Wooton, just go buy some and get a receipt and Ill refund you tomorrow." 
"Well, you are going to need it Elder Sumrak, because its your dishes now..." 
"You okay?" 

Elder Rogers "Are you crying!?" 
*hang up the phone* 
"So, who is going to pray?" 

So, I got called as the assistant, which is an awesome blessing and I am super excited to be working with my MTC buddy Elder Nwosu, a 6 foot 3 Nigerian man who is hard working and awesome! We are working super hard and have been all morning trying to get all the beds and money and nets and pills and everything prepared for tomorrow because the 20 new missionaries are coming, but I'm super excited because I get to go back on the ferry tomorrow to go pick up the new missionaries at the airport and then orientation on Wednesday, then finally might get to hit the area on Thursday. Its funny because I have been on all 3 mountains in Freetown west really. I started on Mt. Aureol, went South to Belliar Park, crossed the valley now to Dwarzak, but the ward is awesome and I'm so excited to work with president, the couples, and everyone in helping the Lord's marvelous work to move forward! I love this gospel and its definitely a different side of the work that I never envied, that's for sure, its funny because Elder Rogers and I were in the AP's apartment to get something on Saturday and I saw their chore list and was, I sure hope I'm never an AP....haha but, somebody has to do it. And, I'm ready to labor and do whatever the Lord asks me to get this great work done. These leaders and couples are so sweet and I'm excited to work with them. 

It is nice though that our apartment has AC and a water heater and what not...but, boy it makes me feel like I'm not in Sa Lone anymore sometimes hahaha where is my suffering?! I'm supposed to be suffering! 

Not much going on really, I have been stuck in this compound all day, but transfer time is always hectic time, so I am really excited to finally get to the area because we have such a strong ward that does such a great job of fellow shipping and even home teaching/ etc. so its going to be so much work and so much fun and I have so much to learn and so many ways to grow, I feel just like a lost lil puppy again, but you do your first time on mission, first time taking over, training, 2nd area, senior companion, district leader, being an assistant, but you fall down make some mistakes, get back up and keep going and by the end of the 2nd week you are just doing it like you've been doing it for months haha, but...I hope I have more to write about next week, more adventures, more families, more friends, more missionaries, more miracles...It was hard to say goodbye to my ward yesterday...but, then again, we meet in the same building, so I guess I'll see them next week ;) I truly love our lord and savior Jesus Christ, for I have seen how he has changed so many lives, just in the past week alone. Watching grown men change their whole lives around, just because the spirit has touched their heart. It's real...It is so real and please always remember Heavenly Father LOVES you. He loves you so so much. he loves us all. He WANTS to bless you, just ask, be obedient, be diligent, and he will help you. I can hardly function a day much less a week without his steady and guiding influence of the holy spirit in my life...We are all truly blessed with this gift :) I only fear that everything I do everyday is what keeps the holy ghost so strongly in my life, and fear that one day life takes over and that it won't be as strong...but, I know if I remain diligent that that guiding influence will ALWAYS be with me...I love you all...have an amazing week!. 

Elder Jesse Sumrak 

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